Welcome to next gen gaming dude. I know you said T games and some M games, So I will try to tailor my response for your interest.
1. Get PS Plus. You now NEED the membership to play ANY multiplayer online. You get 2 free games every month, but don't get too hopeful for anything too great. The past year of freebies have been a rollercoaster of really bad to decent. However others may like it. I'm not speaking for everyone. (Regardless, I don't want you to think your getting Killzone, or AC4, or Infamous for free, and then you sign on to see something less desired.)
2. The Games. I will add the approx prices, (USD).
Infamous Second Son - 20
Knack - 15, 20
Rayman Legends - 20, 25 (AMAZING ART DIRECTION)
Last of Us Remastered (I know you said only certain M games, but this game and Street Fighter V is the reason I even got a ps4 lol).
Injustice: Gods Among Us - 15, 20.
Batman Arkham Knight - 25, 30. ( Another M game, but its Batman. and easily my favorite game of 2015.)
Guilty Gear Xrd - 25. 30. (Guilty Gear Revelator, the sequel will be out soon. just a heads up)
Street Fighter V - 50, 60. (The sole reason I got a ps4. My only gripe is the design of certain characters. They sort of took the :"anime" route if you know what I mean. It may be akward to explain to a strict parent. Regardless, its street fighter and its my main game for now).
Destiny - Original Game 15, 20. Taken King Edition 40.
Ratchet and Clank - 40 *Just released today* Looks hella fun and beautiful.
If your into RPGs, Final Fantasy X / X2 HD. Easily my 2nd favorite rpg of all time. LOTS and LOTS of hours of content.
Hope I somewhat helped, these are just the ones I can name off the top of my head. Enjoy your Playstation and once again welcome to the next gen sir.
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