If you believe sony's drivel about not buying exclusives, you are very silly indeed. :P One of MANY examples I can give is Half Life. Gee, who was it that "persuaded" the developers of the Dreamcast version to dump their 99% complete game and put it "exclusivly" in the PS2 instead? Hmmm, I wonder. Needless to mention Square who they stole from nintendo with money. Could I also mention Tomb Raider that started out as a Saturn game until sony flashed the cash and made the series exclusive to the PS1 from the second game on? I will aslo add that sony was not doing well in Japan until they stole Sqaure, the Saturn was killing the PS1 in Japan.
You need to do some research on gaming history man, sony bought their way into the game market and that's a fact. I hate sony because they ruined the industry and paved the way for M$ to bring their greedy arses into the game industry and they used the same tactics as sony to do it.
BTW Square chose Sony because the CD format was super cheap compared to cartridge based games...and making a game like FFVII that might have needed 2 to 3 cartridges would have been rediculous, not to mention the full FMV and interactive FMV would not have been possible. Nintendo lost Square because they wanted to bring their games to the next stage, and the format wouldn't let them. It was actually AFTER FFVII was a huge success on PS1, which by all means didn't take very long to achieve, that Sony bought Square stock to ensure they kept pumping out games to keep consoles selling instead of resting and letting VII make money, which is why 8 and 9 came out so fast.
On the topic of Saturn, you forgot to mention how as time went on their game library kept shrinking due to developers being turned off by higher royalties on more mature games, with their logic being the games would sell less since not as many people would be interested in buying them for kids etc. Also, as Saturn games started requiring the expansion port like Xmen vs. Street Fighter, developers saw that making bigger scale games weren't selling as well because people weren't buying the addon.
Sony won because of their easy relationship with developers. cheap development cost, and smart investing. Even if they did "buy exclusives" the main reason they were successful is because of their large library which a buttload of companies wanted to be a part of.
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