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In the future wen the true power of ps3 starts to show could it be possible for the graphics to become so realistic that horror games will be way too scary to be enjoyable :O wat ya fink ...wouldnt that depend on how much you like horror? if you enjoy horror movies, those are getting pretty realistic, so, it will vary from person to person
I'm not looking forward to RE 5 because it's an immediate multiplatform, so it won't be able to fully push its respective machine. I'm hoping that PS3 just gets RE5 after they realize how good this machine really is.thedarkomen
I think Capcom has worked with sony enough to make the game push the PS3's capabilities, even if it is multi-platform.
In the future wen the true power of ps3 starts to show could it be possible for the graphics to become so realistic that horror games will be way too scary to be enjoyable :O wat ya fink ...Horror movies are as real as they get...are they not enjoyable?
[QUOTE="lennon07"]In the future wen the true power of ps3 starts to show could it be possible for the graphics to become so realistic that horror games will be way too scary to be enjoyable :O wat ya fink ...Horror movies are as real as they get...are they not enjoyable?
lol horror movies are so predictable these days, except the ring that was good.
scarier, yes. Non-playable, never. If a horror game gets more realistic, the better it will be.rogerjak
I agree. Can't wait for the new Forbidden Siren game and hopefully, a new Fatal Frame game too. :D
One thing I think we can all agree on is that these games are going to get a whole lot scarier! Bring on RE5! Has a new Silent Hill game been announced for the PS3?__Maximus__i haven't seen anything. i hope so. hate to admit it, but a new Fatal Frame might not be bad either.
No. Graphics aren't really what make a horror game horrifying. Clock Tower 3 had some pretty bad graphics, but a lot of the opening and beginning cutscenes were intense, and rather disturbing. Same with any of the Silent Hill games.
It's all about atmosphere, plot, and creativity with that sort of thing, really. Look at Silent Hill, for instance. In the first one, I'll never forget following a trail of blood to see a disemboweled something or someone basically crucified on a fence. I'll never forget being attacked by demonic babies with knives, shooting them and hearing them squeal. I'll never forget the first ending in Silent Hill 2 that I got, but without spoilers, it actually gave me chills with how quietly yet horrifically poignant it truly was. In Silent Hill 3, there were so many creepy moments, from bleeding mannequins, being trapped in a room, slowly dying with no way out as the wall slowly become veiny and bloodied. In Silent Hill 4, just the sheer idea was entirely creepy. Being trapped in a room, slowly watching the bloody handprints of victims appearing, seeing that bunny staring at you from the next room over as you peaked through a hole in the wall.
Though the gameplay is becoming rather derivative, the Silent Hill team truly knows what horror means. They have the perfect mix of ambiance with the lighting and sound effects, coupled with the absolutely hellish, yet at times strangely poppy, soundtracks. Add in a dash of completely unique yet strangely B-movie horror movie storylines and situations?
And you have a game series that, despite the limitations of the technology that it's been on, has continued offering great and exciting new brands of horror.
Which is impressive, because for the most part, anything horror-related post 1990 has been awful. Well, from America, at any rate. Other countries still know how to make good horror movies. Audition and The Descent are easily the best two horror movies I've seen since 1990. Yet the special effects in the first one aren't that great, and in The Descent, it was all about the atmosphere and the cave instead of blood effects and ubergore - Though that played a role, too. :D
All the next gen will give is prettier graphics. Which, hopefully, isn't all they'll turn out to be. Because horror has always been, and always shall be, about atmosphere, mood, story, and creativity.
Well put! "Applauds"
i cant wait for an horror game to come out for ps3... i only have resistance for ps3 and there is one part that was kinda scary.
i cant wait for RE5 but after playing RE4, i dont think its that scary anymore.
horror games like silent hill, clock tower, fatal frame, siren - these are the horror games i would like to see.
RE series is more fun but i think the others are more scary
One thing I think we can all agree on is that these games are going to get a whole lot scarier! Bring on RE5! Has a new Silent Hill game been announced for the PS3?__Maximus__Silent Hill 5 is being made and it will most likely be released on the PS3. Want proof? Just click the tag in my sig to visit my union and read the interview Akira Yamaoka gave a while ago.
Honestly, what Platform did all of u play RE4? I went with the cube, awesome machine.T-Zone
I got it on the Gamecube.
I only owned 4 games for the thing earlier, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, the MGS remake, and the Resident Evil remake.
Then I got RE4, and after that, nothing worth purchasing came out on it.
Kind of made me glad that I decided I would delay purchasing the thing for a few years, back when it was called "Dolphin", as I could deal with the oogles of PS2 games that came out.
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