I was just wondering whats so great about NGS... Its kinda like having a hot girlfriend.. but she has no soul :|
The graphics are not bad, but the story is terrible! The character models are like crap. Ryu's body looks like a moving plastic action-figure. The voice acting totally S***s A$$. The combat system has no depth at all, you can basically finish off every single enemy the same way with the same combo. And dont get me started on the platforming, its way too lame. So why is everybody liking it so much anyway?!? I cant believe it got a 9.3 from IGN. I wouldnt give it more than an 8.
If you compare it to Heavenly Sword, you'll notice its waaaaay better in every aspect. Nariko looks great and so are the graphics. The sound in the background is very nice and creates the right vibe for the game The story is awesome, with some amazing acting. The enemy AI changes as you play.. I've noticed that the enemies get harder if you kill more of them. The combo's (specially the arial ones) look great because of the scenematic effect it uses. The counter animations, the special moves, its all way better. Who's with me on this?
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