Well first off Sigma and Sigma 2 are two different games. Sigma 1 has the better story and gameplay but Sigma 2 has more content. Sigma 2 has..
- Co-op
- More characters
- More weapons
- Trophies
Both games are good and worth owning.
I don't know about better, maybe better, but I thought Sigma 2's gameplay was definitely faster, and what sets it apart from Sigma 1 is that you have to slash the enemies much more to get them, with Simga 1, you could do maybe 3, sometimes 4 good hits and they'd go down, but with Sigma 2, it seems like so many of the enemies take about 7 or 8 good hits before they're done, and the action is more frenzied too, the speed of Sigma 2 dwarfs that of Sigma 1, even though Simga 1 is still really fast, Sigma 2 is nuts.
I will say that Sigma 1 is a better wrapped-up package though. The story flows much better, the levels (gamemap) is more cohesively designed as one "be all end all" environment. Sigma 2 is just more "arcadey" where the levels are just random places that don't relate that you just run into and fight. The story is also scattered, and the levels are just "do this," "now do this," "perform this" and set up 1, 2, 3, 4 wheras Sigma 1's levelled flowed so well into eachother. They were more united in that fashion, wheras Sigma 2's levels seem to be separate and not so interdependant. The music and just overall feel of Sigma 1 is superior, although I can't help but love the faster gameplay of Sigma 2.
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