Right i have a bit of a dilema, i have enough money for only 1 of these games but i really want them both, i have no idea which one to choose. I have been on Oblivion IV and its a great game, however, the previous spiderman games didnt let me down and now number 3 seems to be even better because theres so many more features.
Spider man won't be as good as Oblivion. THere is just no way it could be. If you dont like RPG's at all, get spiderman. If you like them even the tiniest bit, get Oblivion.
Can't see why people are so hyped about Spiderman 3, I doubt it'll get AA status Anyways, can't really compare the two, but personally, I'd take Oblivion over it
[QUOTE="BenderUnit22"]Can't see why people are so hyped about Spiderman 3, I doubt it'll get AA status Anyways, can't really compare the two, but personally, I'd take Oblivion over it it think it can. Well not that low AA is much to toot about. Even Icon got AA.
Yer i love RPG's. It really is a hard thing to do though, choose between games male gamers shouldnt have such a hard choice we should be able to get any game we wont haha. I guess i need a job, it is my birthday in 2 month but the wait will be painful.
They're both great games, personaly I feel Oblivion IV will keep you busy the longest(been playing Oblivion IV for over a year now), and it never gets boring. Even guys that don't like RPG's like Oblivion. Spiderman will be a great game to, but it won't give you as much hours of gameplay.
Hey! Spiderman 3 aint gonna be out for another month so chill your beans. Get oblivion because that is a great game and it will take your life away (in a good way of course :D)
Get Oblivion. This game is so engrossing, so beautiful, so addictive and there's just tons of content. Honestly, how long will SM3 possibly last you? 15 hours max.?
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