Anyone who is still ticked about Xbox 360 getting a better score, than the PS3 version of Oblivion, think about it this way, the ratings are not meant to be compared from console to console. EG: A GBA Tony Hawks game gets a 10 for graphics and so does a PS3 version, it would be stupid to make a thread saying "oooohhh how GAY why did the GBA version of Tony Hawks so and so get the same rating as the PS3 version, PS3's graphix are soo much better" I might be over doing using GBA as a comparison but it's the easiest way. But can you see my point???
It got a .1 lower score. 9.5 and 9.6 isnt that big of a deal. The games a year old lets just be glad Gamespot even gave it a 9 lol. Yes textures are better, load times are better, but apparently the sound isnt which I will disagree with personally but whatever. Im not ticked off about it. 9.5 is still excellent. .1 is nothing to be mad about:)
Yeah I think Gamespot was actually being generous or it shows just how amazing Oblivion is, because game ratings should depreciate (even more than .1 a year), but the review is meant for people new to the game so it was forgiving.
The PS3 version of Oblivion was downright better...all round better. Honestly though....Resistance kinda spoiled me...I was so used to a nice solid locked frame rate hat even the slightest hitch in Oblivion made me go ewwwwww!!! lol!
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