OK. It's quite simple to make an account for another Region on your PS3. At the moment Sony does not deem this to be illegal so lets get started. It's Important to note that you can't buy games from other regions only download free demos and trailers. There is also no need to put in your credit card at all!
To get started make a new profile on your PS3. After that's done go over and select the Playstaion Store. Then Select the region you wish to have the account reside in.
Japanese Account
This is hardest to make sense, well. It's in Japanese! Just follow the steps here http://blogs.ign.com/xheavenxsentx/2006/12/09/39684
US/UK account.
Simple just fill in all the info. You don't need to have a real Address to make the account just make something up! For example I live at 420 Mario lane in Japan!
Well what do you know? You're all done! Now start enjoying that foreign content!
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