Alright, I'm watching an Uncharted 2 video on gamespot...when all of a sudden I realized I had the beta key for the multiplayer (at this point I'm excited)
So I log on to the PSN, and no problems obtaining the beta. I start to download it, in the meantime I decided to watch the Zohan while the 1000 mega bite plus beta was downloading.
After awhile I went to go check on the status, still good, but I noticed I was signed out of the PSN, no big deal right...? it has happened to me before, but this time it wouldn't let me sign back in...I got some numerical error code (8002A....blah blah blah).
So I then went to, and it said I was suspened... &*%# me
I think it was because of a controversial little big planet level I stupidly decided to publish ( it had something to do with the birds and the bees )
the level was moderated ( I saw that coming ) , but I did not expect to be suspended ( I guess I deserved it )
but I have a question...has anyone else been suspended from PSN, and for what?
oh and it wouldnt let me play the beta on my brothers account because the beta was downloaded through my account :(
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