Alright, lately I have been seeing all this crap about how the 360 is all of a sudden getting these RPG's from
Square. When I first heard it, it started to get under my skin and I was a little, well more than a little disappointed.
about a month later I then find out that Atlus (one of my favorite companies) is proudly announcing to make
3rd party exclusives for the 360. When i saw this i thought "ok, this is the last straw" Sony!!!, WTF is wrong with you?
Why, Why!? are these kind of RPG's not rolling in to your console. Your previous consoles (PS1, PS2) were the king of
the RPG's. What some of these companies fail to relize is that the majority of the 360 fanbase like FPS and aren't
into JRPG's the majority of them is on the PS3 side and we are craving them. Instead they think the console with
the largest fanbase is the place to go but will end up knowing soon enough that it will not sell well compared to the PS3.
Now this is where I point fingers at sony. Look, i dont give a **** what system is more capable than the other,
listen to this part carefully, no matter what market you get yourselves into, PRICE PLAYS A ROLL IN EVERYTHING!!!!
The reason why these developers arent making these games exclusive to the PS3 is because they are worried
that their game sell well because of the smaller install base, and the reason why its small is because of the price,
$400 is all well and good but its not enough you NEED A PRICE CUT so that install base can grow and these JRPG
developers can once again make games exclusive to the playstation brand. I want to see these guys make good
use of the technology to make a great overall experience with the game just like MGS4 did with me
(God I love that game) Sony, not everyone is like Hideo Kojima, some of these companies are mainly in it
for the money they like to think buisness first before fans *cough*Star Ocean 4*cough*, look even if you can't
get a price, do something ANYTHING to get these RPG's to become exclusives, do whatever it takes sony PLZZZ!!
Well thats my two cents sorry this was long but I had to get this of my chest whats your take in this
Moderator Note: Censor Bypass removed.
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