Uncharted 1 is what I would recommend most!
Other titles that are 30 and under now that are good are:
MGS4 - It is NOT for everyone though, and I highly recommend you play the first 3 (buy the essentials collection for PS2) though. I LOVE this game and it is phenomenal but as said before, not for everyone
God of War Collection - If you have not played the first two on the PS2 then I recommend checking these out.
Infamous - has its flaws and is a bit repetitive, but still an awesome game none the less. IMO it is worthy of a purchase and is a lot of fun while it lasts.
LittleBigPlanet - amazing game but the second one is coming out later in the year and will pretty much render LBP1 useless.
Killzone 2 - great if you dont mind a bit of a lame story (with a super annoying character or two) and its depressing feel. To me the games graphics and overall presentation are its strongest points. It just feels very BA.
Games that SOME would consider great (although I don't feel are quite as good as the above selection) are:
Resistance Fall of Man 0 I have hardly played it, but I did not like the demo. many people however love this game.
Resistance 2 - Never played it but it does sound better then R1.
Assassins Creed - Good game but very repetitive.
Assassins Creed 2 - I hear it is much better then the first. I might pick it up some time.
Ninja Gaiden - Not really my cup of tea (yes I just said cup of tea), but a lot of people really love it. I prefer God of War.
ratchet and Clank Future: ToD - played the demo and its good but a bit on the easy side.
Ratchet and Clank Future: ACiT - Played the demo as well as the first couple hours and its better then ToD but also too easy IMO.
Heavenly Sword - played the really short demo and seems like a good game but not even close to God of War, although some love it.
Valkyria Chronicles - Doesnt seem like my thing, but many say it is amazing.
Warhawk - good game, lacks polish, but is indeed fun enough if its your thing.
Demon's Souls - I would love to say this game is amazing, but I don't think it is, rather a very good game hindered by poor story and harsh difficulty. I think it is worthy of a purchase if you are looking for a 3d dungeon crawler that will make you super mad and has virtually no story.
Oblvion - Good game, nowhere near the hype it has though.
Fallout 3 - better then oblivion but I prefer oblivion due to its setting. Still nowhere near the hype it has IMO.
Eternal Sonata - Not amazing, but one of the better JRPG's this gen.
Disgaea 3 - I am not a big fan of strat RPG's but many people love this game.
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