well this is the second time this has occured. While playin Oblivion, well the first timeĀ i was in the arena then while fighting this werid noise came out of nowhere and i it sounded like nails on a chalkboard kind of thing. well neways that happened with the noise then it stoped after like 30 secs.. now it jus happened to me a second time like 5 mins ago where the same noise came then it froze..
so now im worried and dont no if i have a ****ed up system.. And ii have never had a defected system and have never sent ne thing bak so im quite new on how to send it bak to sony.
so im wonderin has this hapened to ne else out there?? plz post if u have had this or no wat is going on.. or if its the cd not the ps3(wich i hope)
thx alot
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