BS just because Epic makes a great game doesn't mean they can say it has used teh full power of the 360. I mean Mass Effect looks 10x better than anything I've seen and IMO is on par with MGS4. I know developers will be tapping into the power for years to come as MS releases new tools and they just get better at coding and find loopholes for each system (360, Wii, Ps3) to optimize the games. acidBURN1942On Par with MGS4? Dude , Right now , MGS4 is the most advanced videogame for any console , No game has even come close to what the MGS is pushing out of the PS3 and Hideo Kojima says he isn't even using half the power of the PS3 , Hideo Kojima was actually VERY happy for SONY to show developers on how to utilize the CELL and the RSX , and hopefully will use it too great limits , sorry dude , for Snake's Mustache to have more Poly's than that of an enemy soldier in MGS3 2 years ago , We could only imagine what everything looks like after they utilize it better than before , ON PAR? IMO you dont keep up with news on the PS3 , Im sure you just read all about the 360 , but your opinion isnt an opinion when it's always false by complete facts. Dont bother Calling me a PS3 Fanboy either , My sig speaks for itself.
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