I just finished Resistance: FOM and I was thoroughly impressed by it. Resistance basically gave my FPS fever. I have heard of the years how great the Half-Life series is so when I saw the Orange Box on sale at my local Mega-Lo-Mart for $19.99 it was a no brainer for me to snag it.
I have only put maybe three hours into Half-Life 2 and I am sort blah about it. It started out really sweet with getting off the train and you kind of have this whole Big Brother thing going on. Once you get your firearm the gunplay mechanics are opened up and I must say the gunplay is very nice. My last hour and a half of playing the game however have been nothing but uninspired drab environments and just linear BS.
Now I know this game was released back in 04 (I think). The graphics on the PS3 in Hi-Def are pretty good for a 5 year old game in certain areas and in other areas don't look so hot. I am not so much worried about the graphics as I am the fun factor. I guess I just want you all to tell me why you like or dislike this game. How is it fun or not fun. Also is it worth it to play through just to get the story so that I can enjoy EP. 1 and EP.2? Do you like EP. 1 and 2? I know I got a great deal at $20, I just feel like maybe I should have skipped this one and picked up Ninja Gaiden Sigma which is my next game on my list.
Thanks for your input guys and gals.
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