Alright so theres this outlet near my home thats sells all kinds of stuff including electronics, furnitature, etc you name it. So as I was browsing around, and I saw that they had the ps3 80 gb witht he dual shock 3 controller for $379, a xbox 360(dunno which version, but it says it includes a hdd so its not the arcade system, the box is white) for $230. I also saw guitar hero world tour for wii and xbox 360 selling for $110 each and a dualshock 3 controller selling for $30.
All of the items I listed are in their orginal packaging, but I'm not sure if their all new, or returned items because most of the packening have slight dents on the corners and stuff, but aside for that they all have their original tape and everything. Now my qustion is, should I buy the ps3 system and controller for $400, instead of going to bestbuy and buying the same items for $455+? Next time I go there Ill be sure to ask if the systems are new. I know the ps3 controlelr is certainly new, its in its orgrinal packinging with no defects.
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