I played it over the summer for the first time, and it was also my first venture into the Metal Gear franchise. I will admit, it looks beautiful, however, since I had played the previous Splinter Cell games, MGS 4 didn't seem like a stealth game like the franchise was always marketed as. Also, I was absolutely perplexed at the story (which only makes sense since this was my first MG game.) So, I finished it, and didn't really understand what the big deal was. Over the top drama, stereotypical whiny anime type characters. So, I started doing research, started reading up on the storyline and all the characters, and bought the Metal Gear Portable Ops and Peacewalker for my psp along with the interactive graphic novel which went over the story of the first Metal Gear Solid game. And now, I can say...I finally get it. I understand the game mechanics now and that yes, it is a stealth game if you want to play it that way. So I went back and replayed MGS4 and totally love it. The emo characters still tend to be a bit annoying and the drama is still waaaay over the top, but it's awesome yes indeed, and the ending was top notch and had a lot of class. So, if this is your first venture into the series, you're going to be very very confused. However, you have so many choices on how you want to play the game. Stealthy or blow everything away. It's up to you. Just do some research into the story. It's pretty far out there LOL!
(I only wish I had gotten into the games back in the 80's and beyond because I would have had a better appreciation for the characters and the crazy storylines.)
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