This may fall on deaf ears since the impact of e3 is still fresh but just wanted to post a quick vent to see if anyone agrees.
First off, yes it sucks about FFXIII. I was cursing the tv when i saw it too. I also know alot of you may have bought the ps3 for that game but lets step back and think about some things:
1) Its not like FFXIII is coming out this year. Since we keep seeing the same trailer again and again, and judging from the time it took to get XII out there (internal issues at SqEnix aside), We problably wont be seeing the game until late 09 anyway. In a way, its kind of similar to when Peter Moore showed off the GTA IV tatoo for the 360. How long was the gap between that and the actual release of the game? By the time FFXIII comes out there will be quite a few other games out by then (including Squares other IP Last Remnant) so its not like our library will remain stagnant for over a year.
2) To everyone saying "Well i guess i should sell my ps3" or "Sony should start on the ps4 already", i ask: What? Why sell your ps3 to drop more money on a different system when both systems get alot of the exact same things. Games like Fallout 3, RE5, and Bioshock are MULTIPLAT. Squares bombshell should show everyone that multiplatform is the key word this gen because of production costs.
3) Lastly, relax. The PS3 will not go the way of the dreamcast (which is why alot of you are problably freaking out. I owned a dreamcast so i understand the fear). Sony put ALOT of money into the ps3 so they wouldnt abandon it to work on a ps4. Thats just stupid in so many ways, why counter a loss with bigger losses? They also wouldnt be going through the trouble of adding movie downloads and HOME if they were planning on abandoning things. And its not like the ps3 only sold like 100 units. For a console at this stage in the cycle its done quite well and they plan to be around for 10 years, while the competitors will likely be looking for hardware updates around the 6 year mark.
Alright thats it. Basically i just hope people stop freaking out so much and stop complaining about requested features (Like all the ridiculous 2.41 complaints)
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