1. I like doing up close kills with my mp5 (which is an amazing gun) or knifing them, so its annoying if they drop a grenade after dying.
2. last stand, you think someone is dead and start to fight someone else, only to have the guy shoot you in the head.
3. snipers, because I like using an mp5 and running around allyways having a sniper in a building is really bad, the mp5 is not acurat at long ange so to get rid of them I must get to the building and kil them, though that is easy if you make it in the building, a short burst from the mp5 or stabbing them does the trick.
4. the big one, servers quiting a game midway!!!!!
5. Also its annoying when you are having to do ALL the work, I had this once, my team kept running into the open and dying so I had to be really careful and stick to cover and kill all the enemys. Then because no one else is doing much someone sneaks up behind you and kills you.
6. helecopters and air strikes, I also use this so I guess I can get angry, but when you are just about winning and suddenly an air strike blows away the half of you team unlucky enough not to be near cover, then a helicopter comes and guns you all down forcing you to seak cover. It s not fun trying to take out a helicopter with no RPG's, MP5's obviously dont help much in this situation. :|
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