First, there aren't any games out right now that actually uses the full power of the PS3. The first game that will use that power is actually Heavenly Sword which will come out beginning of September. If you like racing games get MotorStorm, FPS Resistance (this one is the best selling PS3 game thus far) and also Rainbow 6Vegas, RPG Ninja Gaiden Sigma and God of War 2 and Oblivion.
Want me to hold your hand while you wait in line too?
I'm kidding :P For RPG's there Oblivion, which will give you hundreds of hours of gameplay, but its either a love or hate thing. For action, theres Ninja Gaiden Sigma For FPS, theres Resistance, Darkness (maybe), Rainbow Six Vegas For Racing, Motorstorm For Fighting, Virtua Fighter 5 or Tekken 5 DR (on PSN and soon to have online patch...also only $20 for download)
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