i think the ps4 will be within the same function of current consoles(no crazy 3d projectors or some crazy ass stuff like that). Id expect it to be at least 10x more powerful i mite be wrong but ps3 is 30 or something like that more powerful than ps2! im thinking 64 core cell cpu at 4GHz that exactly 10x more power (not in real terms i know) than the ps3(8core at 3.2GHz) 8GB(12 or 160) of DDR4 ram(yes DDR4 if where talking 2010-2013 release(mite be ddr5if 2013 or latter). Graphics= nvidia 300 or 400 series (GTX280 is the most powerful at the min. probably 2 graphics cards (or more) in SLi. probably still stick with bluray but probably 10 layers or more! im just guessing as who know at what technology will be like buy then but i can see them sticking with cell processing and bluray!!! what you guys thinking???
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