Ever since i bought my ps3 on launch day. It has always given me problems. Playing online, downloading updates, and patches, is always been an headache. Recently I just tried to download the GTA4 patch and keeps getting stuck at 7-10 percent range. It always gives me an error message like i know what those numbers mean. Im running it through the Linksys router. I dont know if the router is the problem. My Xbox 360 never gives me these problems. I have both running through the same router. Does any one have any ideals? It will be greatly appreciated.
Did your forward your ports through DMZ? Disable media server? Disable message board thingy?
Mine was doing the same (slow downloading/disconnects) until I replaced both modem and router, then everything went well. (People also had similiar problems and replaced their modem/router and everything was fixed. I rarely have any disconnects.)
couldnt tell you for sure but the last guy sounds right and it sounds like what alot of people have said...most problems with ps3-connection is the internet or the router or modem...check them all out...make sure u got the proper ports open...if u really get stuck just call Sony...they will talk u through what u need to do to get it to run properly
i never have problems playing online but the DL of demos and patches takes forever, i DMZ my router and my ISP is super fast just not for that for some reason
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