Well, we have to try to see beyond what we can see now...
Let's begin... So, Sony has this incredible machine right now but at a very high price... The reason? Expensive components. With time, all those components will be very, very, very cheap, and they all will be upgraded with some of them shrinked, saving Sony a lot of money so they can finally sell the PS3 cheaper.
But that's not important... With PS2 selling like hot cakes right now, they could easily STAY on third place for a while making sure that Blu-Ray wins the "format war" and making billions a year when that happens. At the same time, PS2 will start to fade and, with Blu-Ray new impulse, Sony can concentrate in making all PS2 users upgrade to PS3. It will be proved, cheaper and with loads of new functions, just like they have done with PSP.
Why am I telling you all this? Simple... When the time comes to make a PS4, Sony will have incredible technology at affordable prices, a very different situation than what Sony has today. Cell chips will be smaller, faster and, maybe, Sony will include more Cells into PS4 or make new Cells with more SPE's, to begin with. Blu-Ray? Well, we can think that Blu-Ray will be standard at that moment and Sony will start selling 200GB capable Bu-Ray drives with PS4, and so on... We don't know... Maybe Cell will be used as a GPU (like Sony wanted at first), making this new desing cheaper yet.
What I'm trying to tell you is that Sony can survive in third place this generation (I don't want it, I want my PS3 on top!) if Blu-Ray can replace the DVD. Look ant GameCube last gen... Nintendo didn't go broke because GC didn't win. When PS4 comes, it will be a beast of a console and it will be CHEAPER than PS3 (and maybe, all competitors) giving a lot of power so they can take back the first place (if they don't make it this gen. But I'm sure they will!)
Then Sony can concentrate, from the very begining, to sell this new console to everyone.
But then, I think it is very early to talk about all of this. Whan we must do now is to enjoy or PS3's.
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