I have just been on the play asia site and noticed that european gamers aren't able to import games for Ps3 and PSP. I can understand problems with law issues in regards to hardware but why games aswell.
I have just been on the play asia site and noticed that european gamers aren't able to import games for Ps3 and PSP. I can understand problems with law issues in regards to hardware but why games aswell. nnZOEnn
Sony won a court case i think banning such trading, I think they dont want to lose any money because they charge twice the amout to pal gamers, But luckley for me i live in Australia so i can import.
so does that mean that i can't use european games since my ps3 is japanese version?BrideInDream
No the games are region free once your able to import them...I think the reason your not able to import them currently is because they have yet to release the PS3 in Europe...I think they want to prevent people from complaining about the lack of compatablitly between Euro PS3s and American and Japanese Blu-Ray movies / PS2 games...as those are not region free...
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