Yo, I need some answers. Now, idc about what game you think is GOTY or anything. But I would like some good answers for the following questions!
If you own a PS3 please take the time to fill this survey out!
P.S: I will post my answers beside the questions!
1) Where/What did you get your PSN Name from?
A: I actually got mine when I posted a topic on the PS3 boards back in Feb. :D
2) Does your PS3 take up most, if not ALL of your day?
A: Well, kinda.:P I'm very much addicted to my PS3 ever since I got it!
3) What game did you have THE MOST FUN with?
A: Probably MGO. I really enjoyed it, and once I bought the expansion pack, I couldnt put it down!
4) Do you think the PS3 is done after 2008?
A: Ummmm, maybe. God of War 3 in March shall be great But Im not sure what else could help it after that....Gta 5??
5) How much did you pay for your PS3?
A: $500, WOW:o
6) Last question, If YOU could make one game and put it on the PS3, What would it be about? ( Keep it clean :P )
A: I would probably make a maze game, where you were trapped in Wal-Mart, and you had to battle through zombies to get out lol.......just an idea :D
Thanks a ton for doing this survey! Keep on gaming ;)
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