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Totally, but you shouldn't do that GS is biased stuff, you can get kicked off the boards now. I got kicked off for calling someone a G-damn fool... JoeyDreyLMFAO!! for some reason that got me rolling! :lol:
of course I am getting it....I don't let arbitary numbers assigned to a game make a decision for me. creekfan_basicAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEN! Spoken like a true gamer.
Im just wondering how many people are buying motorstorm on day 1 or the first week its out! I hope a lot of people plan on buying this so I can play a lot of fun online matches!! I know im buying this on day one!! Even if GS gives it a 7 im still buying it! Because according to Play magazine, IGN and Gamepro its high AA-AAAÂ so who cares if GS gives it a low score!!BigBoss5777Absolutely! This is what happens when people find out that GS reviewers are xbot fanboys! Lack of credibility! In reality, xbot fanboys are terrified everytime the PS3 gets a good/great game. The noose gets tighter around the neck of the 360. And the xbox fanboys on GS know this. That's why they go out of their way to downgrade PS3 games. They are scared.
I'm getting it after I buy Oblivion. I want to get Oblivion before Motorstorm.Rhaxdric1) Motorstorm 2) Oblivion 3) FEAR
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