Sony has been teasing a huge announcement involving inFamous and Uncharted 2. Well, a Kotaku reader has discovered what that announcement (probably) is. The reader snapped a picture of inFamous pre-order boxes that show that the game will come with a multiplayer beta voucher for Uncharted 2. So not only do you get Sucker Punch's electrifying (*snicker*) game, you also get to delve into the new multiplayer world imagined by Naughty Dog.
While the revelation is exciting for PlayStation 3 gamers, it's also kind of amusing for those that follow the business. Executives and developers at Sucker Punch and Naughty Dog (and Insomniac) are known to be tight -- almost like BFF developers. While this move can be seen as Sony leveraging one of its established franchises to boost sales of one of its new ones, I prefer to look at it as BFF developers helping each other out.
Anyway, will the inclusion of the Uncharted 2 multiplayer beta influence your decision to buy inFamous? Were you on the fence about it before, but totally into it now? Leave a comment and let me know (please)!
I might get the game now inFamous just to play Uncharted 2 Beta :D
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