do u think the ps3 with lower its price anymore before christmas???...i have about 50 ps2 games and people tell me to buy the 360 but i say screw them cuz i want the ps3 since free online and stuff..but its still pretty expensive for it going to lower at all ne more or am i going to have to wait another year?
do u think the ps3 with lower its price anymore before christmas???...i have about 50 ps2 games and people tell me to buy the 360 but i say screw them cuz i want the ps3 since free online and stuff..but its still pretty expensive for it going to lower at all ne more or am i going to have to wait another year?ianp_91
I think it will drop to "around" $450 or even $400 via a bundle deal or something. Or it will drop the 80GB to $499 and make it a bundle deal. Somehow I think sony should try to drop to $450, cause it is the holiday season and losing $50 more vs losing the sale is just not worth it. So Sony will try to give the lowest price and say this is temporary (we heard that before) for the holiday season. Once the ps3 are sold during the holiday, they will get it back by selling accessories and games.
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