Let me start off by saying that Prototype is a VERY underrated game . I love it . I've platinumed inFamous and I'm close to platinum'ing Prototype too ( completed all the Platinum events which is quite a difficult task , especially the movement events ... God )
IMO , the most serious flaw of Prototype is it's city design . It's really bad . When I look at the overhead map , it literally hurts my eye cuz everything looks the same . It's just rectangles and occasional squares clumped together ... WTF ?
And I've collected 50/50 hints but 199/200 landmark collectables . The last one is such a ****ing chore to find even when I refer to online collectable guides . I have absolutely no clue which one I missed and where ... and the horrible stale city spoils my motive to go and search for the last one .
Anyways , apart from the major chore of finding all the landmark collectables , everything else about the game is really great . It's A LOT OF FUN ... and that's what matters the most .
PS : If anyone has any possible advice to help me find the last one ( which does not involve hunting all 200 locations again :cry: ) , do lemme know . :)
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