dont lissen to these crack heads Get haze the demo was awesome. get Warhawk and uncharted they are must haves.
Its a great system, you probly should get your multiplats on your 360 they don't play well on the ps3
not true :p
Anyways welcome! *hug*.....
Uncharted is fun:D Ratchet is fun :D RFOM is fun, but it a bit generic. Resistance 2 :D
Motorstorm and Gran Turismo 5 Prologue are must-haves if you llike racing.
Warhawk is like crack. An endless supply of crack. Adivce on that game, it has a ridiculous learning curve. Make sure you only join games with your rank, or you will get steamrolled.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma is fun, but really hard.
Heavenly Sword is the best rent game.
Anyways have fun, and add me
Same with you other guys, add me :D
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