So I just got a subscription for PS+ and after looking around for a few minutes I sure feel underwhelmed. It looks like I just payed $50 to be able to play Super Meat Boy. This is the famed instant game collection?! I haven't owned a Sony console since PS1 and back then there was no PSN so I'm totally new to this network. I hadn't known that PS+ games get removed almost as quickly as they get put up. Do they also get removed from your console when they remove them from the service? I was looking around on this page ...
... and noticed on the bottom there's a few games with no listing for date removed but I searched for one of them on PSN, Super Time Force Ultra, and it was $15 so either I'm not doing something right or that page isn't up to date.
Besides online multiplayer and my $50 rental of the $15 Super Meat Boy (No thanks to Broken Age, looks lame) is there any benefits to PS+ that I'm missing? I don't know, I just thought something called "Instant game collection" was gonna "instantly" have more than this. Looks like I might have to be subscribed for a while for it to become worth it.
Edit: OK, looked up some things. I guess that you can keep playing em after they get removed from the service. I think what bugs me is the name more than anything. This is absolutely NOT an "instant game collection." It's a "stay subscribed long enough and eventually this will build into a game collection."
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