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[QUOTE="bblundell"][QUOTE="spawnassasin"]^this And people actually buy games from there?its alwys been like that
well you bought resident evil 4 from there
I have had some good deals off of the PSN store. Like I got Split/Second for only $9.99 instead of the normal price which is either $29.99 or $19.99 depends on the store.
I picked up Split Second a few weeks ago for $6 from Best Buy bargain bin.They're trying to make the most money they can. What's wrong with that?
If you don't like their business practices, buy somewhere else. Who's saying, 'you can only buy from the PS store'?
I would like their prices to be a little lower, because it's digital, but I will live with it.
They would make more money if their prices were competetive. "If you don't like their business practices, buy somewhere else." Why be so defensive of them? Fanboy? I'm just saying it's a rip off. Don't you agree?They're trying to make the most money they can. What's wrong with that?
If you don't like their business practices, buy somewhere else. Who's saying, 'you can only buy from the PS store'?
I would like their prices to be a little lower, because it's digital, but I will live with it.
[QUOTE="ghstbstr"]I picked up Split Second a few weeks ago for $6 from Best Buy bargain bin.I have had some good deals off of the PSN store. Like I got Split/Second for only $9.99 instead of the normal price which is either $29.99 or $19.99 depends on the store.
Then you're lucky or bought it used, because it is $19.99 normal price at the two different Best Buys I went to and it is still that price on their website.
Each according to their means, and braind, I guess. It's called being a smart consumer and buying within your budget or shopping for a deal. I have only purchased things I think are financially viable.
I completely agree. I was going to buy Skyrim new but I'm going to get either Deus Ex or Prince of Persia for about 12 Pounds and buy Skyrim next year when it's cheaper.Each according to their means, and braind, I guess. It's called being a smart consumer and buying within your budget or shopping for a deal. I have only purchased things I think are financially viable.
[QUOTE="Namgis"]They would make more money if their prices were competetive. "If you don't like their business practices, buy somewhere else." Why be so defensive of them? Fanboy? I'm just saying it's a rip off. Don't you agree?They're trying to make the most money they can. What's wrong with that?
If you don't like their business practices, buy somewhere else. Who's saying, 'you can only buy from the PS store'?
I would like their prices to be a little lower, because it's digital, but I will live with it.
I am not a fanboy nor am I being defensive of Sony. I am just suggesting you not get so upset over something that is beyond your control. Do you think they believe they have the best prices in the industry? You're fooling yourself if you do. They fully know they could sell a lot more by lowering their prices, they simply choose not to.
It would be a rip off if they were the only game in town, which they are not.
They would make more money if their prices were competetive. "If you don't like their business practices, buy somewhere else." Why be so defensive of them? Fanboy? I'm just saying it's a rip off. Don't you agree?[QUOTE="Weenski"][QUOTE="Namgis"]
They're trying to make the most money they can. What's wrong with that?
If you don't like their business practices, buy somewhere else. Who's saying, 'you can only buy from the PS store'?
I would like their prices to be a little lower, because it's digital, but I will live with it.
I am not a fanboy nor am I being defensive of Sony. I am just suggesting you not get so upset over something that is beyond your control. Do you think they believe they have the best prices in the industry? You're fooling yourself if you do. They fully know they could sell a lot more by lowering their prices, they simply choose not to.
It would be a rip off if they were the only game in town, which they are not.
Well, but they're WORKING on that... They started it with the PSP Go, trying to eliminate the retailers and hard-copy games, and in the process, resale shops. It's not that Sony hasn't TRIED to get the consumer on a main-line habit. It's just that we as consumers have refused the bait. There certainly IS an 800 lb. gorilla in the room with this topic, and to an extent, Weenski & the rest of us have reason to believe this sort of Orwellian concept could come to rest on our heads as gamers, if we're not careful.
Well, but they're WORKING on that... They started it with the PSP Go, trying to eliminate the retailers and hard-copy games, and in the process, resale shops. It's not that Sony hasn't TRIED to get the consumer on a main-line habit. It's just that we as consumers have refused the bait. There certainly IS an 800 lb. gorilla in the room with this topic, and to an extent, Weenski & the rest of us have reason to believe this sort of Orwellian concept could come to rest on our heads as gamers, if we're not careful.
Well said. Again, I'm not saying I want Sony to be the only place for games. Far from it. But I do believe a form of it will happen eventually. We are living in a digital age and a growing number of people don't want to accumulate more 'things'. DD helps with those ends. I know that I would gladly trade all of my games in for digital copies of them. It would free up a lot of space in my home.
The good thing about hard copies is that you don't require an internet connection to buy. Until the vast majority of the gaming population has a internet connection and shows interest in DD we will have our hard copies and thus more choices.
I am not a fanboy nor am I being defensive of Sony. I am just suggesting you not get so upset over something that is beyond your controlNamgisI apologise for calling you a fanboy. I am certainly not upset! I just get a little annoyed when big companies rip consumers off. This maybe a poor example but if the Mcdonalds in your town sold Big Macs for $20 I'm sure it would annoy some people. It would be easy to say 'if you don't like it don't go there' but it would still be unfair, as is PS Store's pricing. If I want an English version of a game I have to buy from an online retailler in the UK. Even then, the nearest game shop to me here in France is about 80 KM away. Edit: I'm gonna need a bigger hard drive soon!
[QUOTE="Namgis"]I am not a fanboy nor am I being defensive of Sony. I am just suggesting you not get so upset over something that is beyond your controlWeenskiI apologise for calling you a fanboy. I am certainly not upset! I just get a little annoyed when big companies rip consumers off. This maybe a poor example but if the Mcdonalds in your town sold Big Macs for $20 I'm sure it would annoy some people. It would be easy to say 'if you don't like it don't go there' but it would still be unfair, as is PS Store's pricing. If I want an English version of a game I have to buy from an online retailler in the UK. Even then, the nearest game shop to me here in France is about 80 KM away. Edit: I'm gonna need a bigger hard drive soon!
Accepted. And point taken.
I agree the pricing is unfair. But until we, as consumers, really put pressure on them to explain why they don't see a need to lower the prices for digital copies, they will continue. Consumers are fickle, and Sony will lose many in the end if they don't change. Here's hoping they do. :)
Well, as PS+ member, i got RE4 for 10$, free little big planet, free dead nation, free Wipeout HD, Flower for 5$ and other games. I rarely ever purchase anything unless its on PS+ sale. However i do agree, some full games are more expensive then your local used game video store. Its been like that since beggining. I dont approve it and hope one day it becomes similar to Steam. Their current holiday sales are amazing. Picked up dead space 2 for 5$ . :)
I personally agree, btw, that most PSN prices are less than savory. But like brick'n'mortar stores, it's about shopping and waiting out the Deal. I've gotten some great deals on stuff from PSN, and found some stuff that's hard to find ("Pinball Hall of Fame" games, for one). I would never pay $20 for a digi-copy for "MW2", but they're welcome to offer it.
I'm just not buying.
I have had some good deals off of the PSN store. Like I got Split/Second for only $9.99 instead of the normal price which is either $29.99 or $19.99 depends on the store.
I picked up Split Second a few weeks ago for $6 from Best Buy bargain bin.Then you're lucky or bought it used, because it is $19.99 normal price at the two different Best Buys I went to and it is still that price on their website.
I picked it up brand spanking new....although you know how BBY is. They put games in and out of the bargain bin all the time.Well, as PS Plus member, i got RE4 for 10 Dollars, free little big planet, free dead nation, free Wipeout HD, Flower for 5$ and other games. I rarely ever purchase anything unless its on PS Plus sale. However i do agree, some full games are more expensive then your local used game video store. Its been like that since beggining. I dont approve it and hope one day it becomes similar to Steam. Their current holiday sales are amazing. Picked up dead space 2 for 5 Dollars . :)Sokol4everAgreed. I am also a Plus subscriber and have had some great free games and I got RE4 for 6 Pounds. Plus is definately worth it.
I personally agree, btw, that most PSN prices are less than savory. But like brick'n'mortar stores, it's about shopping and waiting out the Deal. I've gotten some great deals on stuff from PSN, and found some stuff that's hard to find ("Pinball Hall of Fame" games, for one). I would never pay 20 Dollars for a digi-copy for "MW2", but they're welcome to offer it. I'm just not buying.MonkeySpotYes there are sometimes some great deals on there like the Ubisoft ones at the moment. I am going to buy Prince of Persia, I think it's about 7 Pounds. But some games on the store are nearly 60 Pounds. Not 60 Dollars but 60 POUNDS: That's over 90 U S Dollars!!!
I personally agree, btw, that most PSN prices are less than savory. But like brick'n'mortar stores, it's about shopping and waiting out the Deal. I've gotten some great deals on stuff from PSN, and found some stuff that's hard to find ("Pinball Hall of Fame" games, for one). I would never pay 20 Dollars for a digi-copy for "MW2", but they're welcome to offer it. I'm just not buying.MonkeySpotYes there are sometimes some great deals on there like the Ubisoft ones at the moment. I am going to buy Prince of Persia, I think it's about 7 Pounds. But some games on the store are nearly 60 Pounds. Not 60 Dollars but 60 POUNDS: That's over 90 U S Dollars!!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oh I'm well-aware. I was just over your way in October. All I can say, to those who've never travelled internationally, is that you get a true sense of your country's worth, and the view basically, of another country towards your own when you go to exchange currency. It's a quantified sign of how much a country thinks they "need" you as a citizen of your country, coming over and walking on their soil.
I was walking into game stores, looking at the prices, and doing the math. It was not good. Not good at all!
For me, the main attractant on PSN is the PSOne conversions, because I can take them on my PSP. And they really do look great on that smaller format. If you told me that I could have a device with "MGS", all the early "Command & Conquer" series, all the "Resident Evil"" trilogy, "Silent Hill", both "Dino Crysis" games, "Pandemonium!", "Castlevania" series, "REEL Fishing" series, "Metal Slug X", "Syphon Filter", "MediEvil", all the "Strike" helicoter games... (and on and on and on) all in my pocket, I would have called you daft. But there it is, with room to spare.
Oh, and there's FFVIII on there, "LEGO Batman", "Armored Core 3", "Sega Genesis Collection", and other minis an' crap as well. *Phew* - That's a lotta gaming!
For me, the ports of those PSOne games are fantastic. I really enjoyed all of those games and hunting down some of them on disc is a pain, plus un-portable without going through illegal means (which I refuse to do) on my PSP.
For PS3 games, not so much. I've managed to fill most of my 120G slim with patches for disc-based games, which shocked me to be quite honest. I didn't think I could chew up 120G relatively quickly. So the idea of downloading several gig worth of game isn't in my lexicon until I upgrade my HDD (which I'm sure will happen someday when I get the spare cash and time).
Let-alone the pricing.
PS Store is a RIP OFF! Some examples of why: Deus Ex 40 Pounds from PS Store or only 10 Pounds from Amazon or Zavvi & 12 to 15 Poundsfrom everywhere else. Fifa 12 55 Pounds from PS Store or 40 Pounds from Zavvi/38 Pounds from Amazon. Rayman Origins 48 Pounds from PS Store or 37 Pounds from Amazon/40 Pounds from or ToysRUs. Battlefield 3 50 Pounds from PS Store or 37 Pounds from Amazon/40 Pounds from Argos or ToysRUs. To me the PS Store is clearly a rip off when the production & distribution costs of digital downloads are far less than for physical copies. Discuss!Weenskihonestly, ripoff doesn't even begin to describe.. DLC is the worse thing to happen to videogames since online mp, all it is to be honest is simply a cheap way of milking more money from the consumer after he/she has already purchased a game, when in truth these extra features should by all means ALREADY be in the game ready to be unlocked by achieving whatever goal.. but why do that when they can turn an extra profit? its bs, mean, greedy, selfish, and just not right.. unfortunately people will NEVER stop buying DLC so... not only will it never end, it will get much, much worse.. pretty soon we'll have to buy the next level on rpg's and so on, wouldn't surprise me. :(
I only buy PS1 games, PSP games, and the occassional DLC.
If Sony really wanted to push the digital marketplace for full sized PS3 games, they would either lower prices or hold more enticing sales more often.
wth do they care about game shops? their margin for a new game is less than 5$ so they already laughing at them
they just profit from people paying 50/60$ for a new game and as long as people pay ridiculous prices they'll go on
come on, a MK character for 3$? a golf course for 5$? a set of clothes for 2$? all those things either were already there when the game launched or they put minimal effort into it
It has nothing at all to do with annoying stores. Thats silly. As I said above its because Sony add a hosting charge. So if someone sells a game normally at 40 pounds, the PSN version will be more expensive as it has the 40 pounds plus whatever Sony add for hosting. Its dead simple and has nothing to do with bothering stores that NEED sony to survive. BibiMaghooThat post is silly. Game shops need Sony to survive? You couldn't be more wrong.
[QUOTE="BibiMaghoo"]It has nothing at all to do with annoying stores. Thats silly. As I said above its because Sony add a hosting charge. So if someone sells a game normally at 40 pounds, the PSN version will be more expensive as it has the 40 pounds plus whatever Sony add for hosting. Its dead simple and has nothing to do with bothering stores that NEED sony to survive. Sonny360EliteThat post is silly. Game shops need Sony to survive? You couldn't be more wrong. hahaha, of course they do, just like the 360. Without then the stores that sell second hand games would not exist. The mainstream stores that only sell new couldnt care less what prices sony have online. No Sony games, No 360 games = the death of pretty much every game store going. If they sell other things sure, but game shops would die.
Agreed, £47 for Rayman Origins is absolutely ridiculous. Try £30 on There are some insanely overpriced games on the EU PS Store it's not even funny. People must be buying these games at these absurd prices for them to keeping pricing their games like this. I remember seeing Mass Effect 2 for £57 and I think it still is that price on the PS Store. What the hell are they thinking?
Are they purposely trying to scare people away from the digitel download market? Because thats what they're doing. £30-40 on new games is reasonable and old games £20-30. Get a clue Sony. Even the XBOX Live marketplace doesn't rip you off this much on full game downloads.
Well, as PS+ member, i got RE4 for 10$, free little big planet, free dead nation, free Wipeout HD, Flower for 5$ and other games. I rarely ever purchase anything unless its on PS+ sale. However i do agree, some full games are more expensive then your local used game video store. Its been like that since beggining. I dont approve it and hope one day it becomes similar to Steam. Their current holiday sales are amazing. Picked up dead space 2 for 5$ . :)
He's not even talking about used games here. You can get those games brand new factory sealed for way way cheaper than the PS Store at almost any online game retailer. £57 for Mass Effect 2 on the PS Store? Try £14.95 on disc version. Brand new. Free delivery.
These prices on the PS Store are insulting.
Well, as PS+ member, i got RE4 for 10$, free little big planet, free dead nation, free Wipeout HD, Flower for 5$ and other games. I rarely ever purchase anything unless its on PS+ sale. However i do agree, some full games are more expensive then your local used game video store. Its been like that since beggining. I dont approve it and hope one day it becomes similar to Steam. Their current holiday sales are amazing. Picked up dead space 2 for 5$ . :)
He's not even talking about used games here. You can get those games brand new factory sealed for way way cheaper than the PS Store at almost any online game retailer. £57 for Mass Effect 2 on the PS Store? Try £14.95 on disc version. Brand new. Free delivery.
These prices on the PS Store are insulting.
I think it's that they don't update these prices until an agreement is in place with the developers. Sony isn't just free to see the price of Mass Effect 2 at whatever they want. Even when they have temporary sales, the price probably has to be approved per some legal agreement for digial distrubution. I'm pretty sure the game is $19.99 MSRP in the U.S. now, not sure if that applies on the U.S. PSN though...
Anyway the "everyday" prices on PSN are pretty bad because they are basically the same (or higher!) than MSRP at retail, but there's definitely good deals and sales at times that blow away the retail releases. The latter is the only scenario where I even bother to look...
[QUOTE="MonkeySpot"]I completely agree. I was going to buy Skyrim new but I'm going to get either Deus Ex or Prince of Persia for about 12 Pounds and buy Skyrim next year when it's cheaper...and it works...maybe...if we're really luckyEach according to their means, and braind, I guess. It's called being a smart consumer and buying within your budget or shopping for a deal. I have only purchased things I think are financially viable.
Fixed that for you.
Yes, I've always thought the digital download prices were always a bit steep especially when you consider all they're saving by putting it online.
The thing is that gamers are well known for being the biggest suckers to ever pay for anything (even paying for something in full, months before they get it or paying $2 shy of new prices for a used game) so they probably don't think any of it would sell a lot better if the prices were competitive.
Hell, with the season passes people are now paying for DLC before the game even launches. No wonder they think we're ripe to be ripped off
[QUOTE="MonkeySpot"]I completely agree. I was going to buy Skyrim new but I'm going to get either Deus Ex or Prince of Persia for about 12 Pounds and buy Skyrim next year when it's cheaper. Not just cheaper, but with less bugs. They can patch it a few times before you buy it. Anymore its not worth buying games when they release. You are better off waiting. Not just because you can get it cheaper, but because you will have a better experience due to less bugs because the games will have been patched. I am about to get a PS3 and all my games will be older games until I have filled my backlog. Then I will wait for newer games to drop in price and receive patches to fix whatever issues they have.Each according to their means, and braind, I guess. It's called being a smart consumer and buying within your budget or shopping for a deal. I have only purchased things I think are financially viable.
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