so i have a 40gb ps3 which doesnt have backwards compatability. i know the 80gb version does have backwards compatability, but if i upgrade to maybe a 250gb or 160gb hard drive will i get backwards compatability?
so i have a 40gb ps3 which doesnt have backwards compatability. i know the 80gb version does have backwards compatability, but if i upgrade to maybe a 250gb or 160gb hard drive will i get backwards compatability?
Nope, the size of the harddrive have nothing to do with PS2 b/c.
so i have a 40gb ps3 which doesnt have backwards compatability. i know the 80gb version does have backwards compatability, but if i upgrade to maybe a 250gb or 160gb hard drive will i get backwards compatability?
NOPE.You have to buy yourself a 60GB or US 80GB(UK 80GB -if at all available,hasn't B.C.)
As the others have get BC on there the 40gig has to be a certain chip in there to do it,The 40 gig does not have this.Or if Sony really,really put some work in they could come out with a Firmware update to make atleast some of them BC.But don't hold your breath.
Changing the HDD doesn't effect BC support, because the motherboard in the 20, 60, 40, and 80 gig systems are all different with the 40 gig having all the hardware removed that supports PS2 games. All PS3's support PS1 games.
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