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Filling a BETA with GAP members doesn't give a proper balance for feedback.emitsu97I'm also not saying it should be G.A.P. and no one else. Sure, there should be an equal distribution, but if there are honestly that many G.A.P. members (which I'm gathering there are), then it really has no meaning.
I'm also not saying it should be G.A.P. and no one else. Sure, there should be an equal distribution, but if there are honestly that many G.A.P. members (which I'm gathering there are), then it really has no meaning.boofa_2001
How so? Nobody knows the formula used to determine the number of each type of participant invited to the BETA. Maybe they reserve 75% of the participant slots for GAP and within that 75% they want x% to use firewalls, x% to be NAT1/2/3, x% to be cable users, x% to be dsl users, x% etc. Maybe your particular specifics were already filled.
[QUOTE="Dagnelli"][QUOTE="eclipsed4utoo"]grow up and quit whiningendocryn
leave the guy alone, people are alowed to get upset over things, everyone whines about something.
so grow up and let people be human and voice their grievances.
Thank you, my point exactly. Just needed to vent a little. Everyone complains about something once in a while.[QUOTE="Dagnelli"][QUOTE="eclipsed4utoo"]grow up and quit whiningendocryn
leave the guy alone, people are alowed to get upset over things, everyone whines about something.
so grow up and let people be human and voice their grievances.
if he wants to "voice his grievances", then call Sony. This forum is not for whining.Â
I must say that I am disappointed in Sony. Aggravated may be a better description. I registered for both the Home and Warhawk beta tests, and as a member of G.A.P. mostly assumed to be an automatic invite. Well, days after the start of the betas, I get an e-mail from Sony saying, "Sorry, but you were not selected as a tester. Better luck next time." I was fine with that after Home, because I understand its a limited beta and not everyone that wants in gets in. I would have been fine with that after Warhawk were it not for the Home snub. When I was invited to sign up for G.A.P. it was my understanding that this was exactly why, to be a tester. Now, here I am, a loyal Sony customer (do not read as "fanboy" as I do own a 360 and Wii) who when given the choice of multi-platform games most always opts for the Playstation version, not given the opportunity to do what I was invited to do as a member of G.A.P. Along with all of the delays of PS3 games and the lack of quality titles having been released recently, I must say that my 360 is looking better every day (espeically since I actually did get an invite for the Halo 3 beta test, and No, not a Crackdown invite). Even though I'm sure I'll get flamed for this post and told to stop crying, I'm sure I'm not the only one here that's been disappointed by Sony recently. And for the record, I'm not crying (well, maybe a little).boofa_2001
excuse me sir, would you like some cheese with your wine?
I was fine with that after Home, because I understand its a limited beta and not everyone that wants in gets in.boofa_2001
And what do you think the Warhawk beta is. There are about 1/3 the amount of users in the Warhawk beta compared to the Home beta.
And I'm not positive about this but I think the HOME signup was GAP members only because I'm a PSU member but never got a chance to sign up for the Home beta. So if that's the case, then there ya go...GAP perks.Â
I must say that I am disappointed in Sony. Aggravated may be a better description. I registered for both the Home and Warhawk beta tests, and as a member of G.A.P. mostly assumed to be an automatic invite. Well, days after the start of the betas, I get an e-mail from Sony saying, "Sorry, but you were not selected as a tester. Better luck next time." I was fine with that after Home, because I understand its a limited beta and not everyone that wants in gets in. I would have been fine with that after Warhawk were it not for the Home snub. When I was invited to sign up for G.A.P. it was my understanding that this was exactly why, to be a tester. Now, here I am, a loyal Sony customer (do not read as "fanboy" as I do own a 360 and Wii) who when given the choice of multi-platform games most always opts for the Playstation version, not given the opportunity to do what I was invited to do as a member of G.A.P. Along with all of the delays of PS3 games and the lack of quality titles having been released recently, I must say that my 360 is looking better every day (espeically since I actually did get an invite for the Halo 3 beta test, and No, not a Crackdown invite). Even though I'm sure I'll get flamed for this post and told to stop crying, I'm sure I'm not the only one here that's been disappointed by Sony recently. And for the record, I'm not crying (well, maybe a little).boofa_2001
Im not really angry as i can live with it...but i do agree with you. I am a part of GAP to be a part of the playstation community in a sense. One of the main focuses of GAP is for us to beta test. IF anything, GAP members should be given first dibs to beta test sony games. Its that simple.
[QUOTE="boofa_2001"]I was fine with that after Home, because I understand its a limited beta and not everyone that wants in gets in.The_Rick_14
And what do you think the Warhawk beta is. There are about 1/3 the amount of users in the Warhawk beta compared to the Home beta.
And I'm not positive about this but I think the HOME signup was GAP members only because I'm a PSU member but never got a chance to sign up for the Home beta. So if that's the case, then there ya go...GAP perks.Â
Yea home is GAP only for now. Also Warhawk has a LOT more beta testers than Home does.
[QUOTE="boofa_2001"]I must say that I am disappointed in Sony. Aggravated may be a better description. I registered for both the Home and Warhawk beta tests, and as a member of G.A.P. mostly assumed to be an automatic invite. Well, days after the start of the betas, I get an e-mail from Sony saying, "Sorry, but you were not selected as a tester. Better luck next time." I was fine with that after Home, because I understand its a limited beta and not everyone that wants in gets in. I would have been fine with that after Warhawk were it not for the Home snub. When I was invited to sign up for G.A.P. it was my understanding that this was exactly why, to be a tester. Now, here I am, a loyal Sony customer (do not read as "fanboy" as I do own a 360 and Wii) who when given the choice of multi-platform games most always opts for the Playstation version, not given the opportunity to do what I was invited to do as a member of G.A.P. Along with all of the delays of PS3 games and the lack of quality titles having been released recently, I must say that my 360 is looking better every day (espeically since I actually did get an invite for the Halo 3 beta test, and No, not a Crackdown invite). Even though I'm sure I'll get flamed for this post and told to stop crying, I'm sure I'm not the only one here that's been disappointed by Sony recently. And for the record, I'm not crying (well, maybe a little).Miguel16
Im not really angry as i can live with it...but i do agree with you. I am a part of GAP to be a part of the playstation community in a sense. One of the main focuses of GAP is for us to beta test. IF anything, GAP members should be given first dibs to beta test sony games. Its that simple.
and they are. but that doesn't mean that every single GAP member is going to be invited to every BETA. you missed out. sorry for you. now get over it and quit whining about it.Â
[QUOTE="Miguel16"][QUOTE="boofa_2001"]I must say that I am disappointed in Sony. Aggravated may be a better description. I registered for both the Home and Warhawk beta tests, and as a member of G.A.P. mostly assumed to be an automatic invite. Well, days after the start of the betas, I get an e-mail from Sony saying, "Sorry, but you were not selected as a tester. Better luck next time." I was fine with that after Home, because I understand its a limited beta and not everyone that wants in gets in. I would have been fine with that after Warhawk were it not for the Home snub. When I was invited to sign up for G.A.P. it was my understanding that this was exactly why, to be a tester. Now, here I am, a loyal Sony customer (do not read as "fanboy" as I do own a 360 and Wii) who when given the choice of multi-platform games most always opts for the Playstation version, not given the opportunity to do what I was invited to do as a member of G.A.P. Along with all of the delays of PS3 games and the lack of quality titles having been released recently, I must say that my 360 is looking better every day (espeically since I actually did get an invite for the Halo 3 beta test, and No, not a Crackdown invite). Even though I'm sure I'll get flamed for this post and told to stop crying, I'm sure I'm not the only one here that's been disappointed by Sony recently. And for the record, I'm not crying (well, maybe a little).eclipsed4utoo
Im not really angry as i can live with it...but i do agree with you. I am a part of GAP to be a part of the playstation community in a sense. One of the main focuses of GAP is for us to beta test. IF anything, GAP members should be given first dibs to beta test sony games. Its that simple.
and they are. but that doesn't mean that every single GAP member is going to be invited to every BETA. you missed out. sorry for you. now get over it and quit whining about it.Â
Whos whining about it. Im simply responding to the topic by agreeing. I could care less about not being in the beta cause i know the scope of it and how many people probably applied for it. It doesnt bother me and there may still be other chances for other phases of the beta or other sony betas down the road.
quit crying. The thing freezes up every 10 minutes anyway so you can't really do anything anyway.
Of coarse I heard this was getting fixed in a software update on Thursday...
quit crying. The thing freezes up every 10 minutes anyway so you can't really do anything anyway.
Of coarse I heard this was getting fixed in a software update on Thursday...
First I've heard of that.Â
Um first off no it doesn't freeze every 10 minutes. While yes it does have a problem with freezing its a beta thats why we have them. To one work out all the kinks with the servers. I only experience freezing every great once in a while.quit crying. The thing freezes up every 10 minutes anyway so you can't really do anything anyway.
Of coarse I heard this was getting fixed in a software update on Thursday...
well first off i'm glad you fell you can come here to vent a little. i type things sometimes just to get it off my chest, this is cheaper than therapy.
 second, {for those that don't like seeing this topic here} if you want to be mean, go be mean in SW
third. i think we should reflect on the wonder that is randomness and then remember that what is beta will eventually be retail [:
well first off i'm glad you fell you can come here to vent a little. i type things sometimes just to get it off my chest, this is cheaper than therapy.
second, {for those that don't like seeing this topic here} if you want to be mean, go be mean in SW
third. i think we should reflect on the wonder that is randomness and then remember that what is beta will eventually be retail [:
I always thought Blogs were the place to get things off your chest and randomly vent...not SW. PS3 Beta testing issues do not belong in System Wars at all.Â
no, i was referring to the hate he has been getting belongs in SW, not this thread topic perse.  Blogs probably are a better place, but.... well hell i got nothing. {ok, maybe off topic}
 good running into you the_rick, i saw you got into the warhawk beta and i've been meaning to ask you how its going.
I must say that I am disappointed in Sony. Aggravated may be a better description. I registered for both the Home and Warhawk beta tests, and as a member of G.A.P. mostly assumed to be an automatic invite. Well, days after the start of the betas, I get an e-mail from Sony saying, "Sorry, but you were not selected as a tester. Better luck next time." I was fine with that after Home, because I understand its a limited beta and not everyone that wants in gets in. I would have been fine with that after Warhawk were it not for the Home snub. When I was invited to sign up for G.A.P. it was my understanding that this was exactly why, to be a tester. Now, here I am, a loyal Sony customer (do not read as "fanboy" as I do own a 360 and Wii) who when given the choice of multi-platform games most always opts for the Playstation version, not given the opportunity to do what I was invited to do as a member of G.A.P. Along with all of the delays of PS3 games and the lack of quality titles having been released recently, I must say that my 360 is looking better every day (espeically since I actually did get an invite for the Halo 3 beta test, and No, not a Crackdown invite). Even though I'm sure I'll get flamed for this post and told to stop crying, I'm sure I'm not the only one here that's been disappointed by Sony recently. And for the record, I'm not crying (well, maybe a little).boofa_2001
Dude, it's so much based on pure chance, and don't even bother complaining. But after you expressed your aggravation you should have stopped right there, but no, you just had to say something about the other consoles and the "lack" of PS3 games, and for that you damn well deserve to get flamed. So if i may, *clears throat* "Just because you own all of the systems doesn't mean you're not a hater. But because of a little bad luck and overestimation of your chances you want to drag the PS3 into it and talk about the other systems, ohhhh hellzz no. So don't gimme this i'm disappointed and aren't there others who are recently dissapointed with sony??? NO. but i'll tell what i am dissapointed with, reading this whine-job, so cry me a ****ing river."
Thank you for reading this small flame, and as always nothing personal, posts like yours are very much needed, and they are the reason why we all go to the forums on GS, just not all will admit it.
You did not REGISTER for both. Only one(Warhawk) had registration.ocelotcougarWell if I didn't register, I wonder what you call the form that I filled out from the "Invitation to REGISTER" for the beta from G.A.P. was?
Thanks for noticing dude. Honestly, I was just bored at the end of the day at work and thought I'd see if I could start a fight. Looks like it worked :D I could really care less about the whole thing, though I did sign-up for both betas. I assume I didn't get in because I was honest and told them I only play 3-4 hours a week because I DO have a life other than games. Off to play some Resistance! Later suckers.Dude, it's so much based on pure chance, and don't even bother complaining. But after you expressed your aggravation you should have stopped right there, but no, you just had to say something about the other consoles and the "lack" of PS3 games, and for that you damn well deserve to get flamed. So if i may, *clears throat* "Just because you own all of the systems doesn't mean you're not a hater. But because of a little bad luck and overestimation of your chances you want to drag the PS3 into it and talk about the other systems, ohhhh hellzz no. So don't gimme this i'm disappointed and aren't there others who are recently dissapointed with sony??? NO. but i'll tell what i am dissapointed with, reading this whine-job, so cry me a ****ing river."
Thank you for reading this small flame, and as always nothing personal, posts like yours are very much needed, and they are the reason why we all go to the forums on GS, just not all will admit it.
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