The following video contains little kid-ism and the like, but I found it kind of funny. What's the point of the ESRB if they can't regulate the sale of games to under aged children?
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The following video contains little kid-ism and the like, but I found it kind of funny. What's the point of the ESRB if they can't regulate the sale of games to under aged children?
That kid looks like he's been playing too many video games. :P I can't believe he has more games than me. And he gets those games because his parents don't care and just buy him whatever he wants.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. "If you don't have -insert game title here- then your an IDIOT! That kid was funny. I totally can see him crying to have his mom to take him to McDonalds and then to the midnight release of -insert mature title here- and throwing a tantrum if his mom even acts like she is gonna say no. Some parents blow my mind.
But yeah, I agree with GrandJury.
I have my first child on the way in less than two months and the last thing I want to do is let the TV raise her. I believe in balance.
However, I would love if I could introduce her to my old NES and SNES collection while she is young and work her way up from there but I will NOT force my hobbies upon her.
Why censor your kids? Your taking the amendments people have fought for. I personally don't care about the ESRB my nephew knows the difference between reality and fantasy. He also needs to lose weight. ( the kid not my nephew )His parents don't care. The ESRB is useless as long as parents don't responsibility for their kids.
First off, congrats! It's got to be an amazing feeling to be a new parent :) Second, I couldn't agree more. It's not the ESRB's job to regulate the sales of games to, well, anyone. It's their job to make people aware of the content within the game so the the consumer will, hopefully, make an educated decision. If they consumer (eg: parent) buys something sight unseen and ignores the rating, well, that the parents fault. Same if they bought "R" rated films for them. As for "FightingFan"s comments, well, I think it's a case by case scenario. If you are able to teach them right form wrong, or in this case, real from fake, and feel comfortable with the understanding there of, by all means by them these games. I have been playing violent games since before there was an ESRB (we had a violence thermometer, which, honestly, was a defining factor in whether or not I bought a game back then). But some kids are more impressionable than others, and some shouldn't have these games in there possession. At our age, we can separate real from fake, but kids, well, just aren't that smart. They haven't had enough time to learn these things, have those experiences, and they just haven't evolved that far. That's just violence too! Cursing, well, that's different. I wouldn't want to raise a 7 year old child who dropped F-Bombs left and right, and I would certainly censor their games/movies to make sure they didn't hear that word. Period. They're 7 for gods sake! Censorship at that age is my job (as their parent). I think more parents need to realize that. I would turn red with embarrassment/shame if my child turned to a waitress and said "get me soda you f***ing wh**e!......please....hehehehehe"! Maybe that's just me though.HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. "If you don't have -insert game title here- then your an IDIOT! That kid was funny. I totally can see him crying to have his mom to take him to McDonalds and then to the midnight release of -insert mature title here- and throwing a tantrum if his mom even acts like she is gonna say no. Some parents blow my mind.
But yeah, I agree with GrandJury.
I have my first child on the way in less than two months and the last thing I want to do is let the TV raise her. I believe in balance.
However, I would love if I could introduce her to my old NES and SNES collection while she is young and work her way up from there but I will NOT force my hobbies upon her.
i'll throw the baby shower! Also This kid is the reason gamers get a bad reputation.HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. "If you don't have -insert game title here- then your an IDIOT! That kid was funny. I totally can see him crying to have his mom to take him to McDonalds and then to the midnight release of -insert mature title here- and throwing a tantrum if his mom even acts like she is gonna say no. Some parents blow my mind.
But yeah, I agree with GrandJury.
I have my first child on the way in less than two months and the last thing I want to do is let the TV raise her. I believe in balance.
However, I would love if I could introduce her to my old NES and SNES collection while she is young and work her way up from there but I will NOT force my hobbies upon her.
Why censor your kids? Your taking the amendments people have fought for. I personally don't care about the ESRB my nephew knows the difference between reality and fantasy. He also needs to lose weight. ( the kid not my nephew ) It's not so much the violence or whether or not they are able to distinguish real from fantasy, but more so the sex, drugs, and profanity. Kids are sponges, Case in point, the eight-year-old potty mouth in the video, and all the little white boys who listen to rap and try to act black.[QUOTE="hxczuner"]
His parents don't care. The ESRB is useless as long as parents don't responsibility for their kids.
Will a child shoot up a school just because he shot someone in a game? probually not. But will he/she start droping f-bombs and n-bombs? Ever been on xbox live? Are they more likley to try drugs after seeing it glamerized? Possibly. And isn't eight a little young to be expossed to the amount of nudity and sexual content in games like God of War and Heavy Rain? I think so.
(this is by no means aimed just at games)
That is why retailers who are caught selling "M" rated games to minors are fined $10,000 and lose their jobs. But if a parent buys it for a child, however, it's on them
At first I was just going to take a glimpse at it but I ended up watching the whole thing. I found it amusing how almost ever single game he has can be reviewed as "Not the best game ever"
He really shouldn't be playing those games though. He is the epitome of the crippling of the US's youth. I'm guessing is about 10. When I was 10 I wasn't fat at all. This kid is pretty pudgy and even is starting to develop moobs. He should put down the controller and pick up and basketball or something
I was only allowed to play age-appropriate games when I was his age. That is until my parents split up, then It was pretty much whatever I wanted to play as long as I earned my money.
Things have changed alot and I ampretty young still.
Its hard to be optimistic for humanity when this is becoming the normal thing for kids.
actually now that I think about it, I had friends like this but Its was for games like halo.
Thats just my little ramble
God this kid is a joke. like its making me angry. He's acting like everygame is da **** and tries to act all bad ass and the sh**. I would like to see the look on his face if i were to go over there and burn those games right infront of his lil baby self. God spoiled brat. URRRG! prolly would jsut cry to his mom and ask her to get the games for him and to pick up mcdonalds on the way home.
My parents were very very strict about which games that I played until I was about 14, which was actually just last year :P Now that im working 20+ hours a week I buy all my games for myself, they figure if Im mature enough to keep a job working that much and still get decent grades Im mature enough to handle a video game.
It depresses me to know that this kid is going to be a part of the future of our functioning society :|
Man...he described every game as "not the best game ever". And did you guys catch his comments on MAG? now that was funny. He probably hasn't even played it.
Why censor your kids? Your taking the amendments people have fought for. I personally don't care about the ESRB my nephew knows the difference between reality and fantasy. He also needs to lose weight. ( the kid not my nephew )[QUOTE="hxczuner"]
His parents don't care. The ESRB is useless as long as parents don't responsibility for their kids.
what a stupid comment you make
its parents like that who will buy these games for their kids and later realise what they are playing and make a load of complaints to everybody about the gaming companys and therefore give a bad name to gaming.
That kid isnt even old enough to play rated T games. I wish his mom and dad would take away all his games and systems awayRTUUMMnoooo they do better, they sue games company and demand games stop being developed... jack trenton? seriously, what kinda parents are that? a kid that young with games like that? we're not talking about snes or genesis here with theirs "violence" that i play when i was his age, those can mess him up.
That was funny :D. But i don't really see why are you guys goin ape sh*t about what games he has... I got San Andreas when i was 8 8). Oh also he has ONE more game than me and i got mine in a year...
With me it is not what games he has, it is his overall attitude and the way he acts, calling people idiots, telling people to get off the couch, when he is indeed the idiot and he is the one who needs to get off the couch. I know that may sound harsh but it is the truth.That was funny :D. But i don't really see why are you guys goin ape sh*t about what games he has... I got San Andreas when i was 8 8). Oh also he has ONE more game than me and i got mine in a year...
[QUOTE="inFamousLemon"]With me it is not what games he has, it is his overall attitude and the way he acts, calling people idiots, telling people to get off the couch, when he is indeed the idiot and he is the one who needs to get off the couch. I know that may sound harsh but it is the truth.That was funny :D. But i don't really see why are you guys goin ape sh*t about what games he has... I got San Andreas when i was 8 8). Oh also he has ONE more game than me and i got mine in a year...
and what are the chances that people watching it are even on a couch? Most people don't use a couch at a computer:P
With me it is not what games he has, it is his overall attitude and the way he acts, calling people idiots, telling people to get off the couch, when he is indeed the idiot and he is the one who needs to get off the couch. I know that may sound harsh but it is the truth.[QUOTE="GrandJury"][QUOTE="inFamousLemon"]
That was funny :D. But i don't really see why are you guys goin ape sh*t about what games he has... I got San Andreas when i was 8 8). Oh also he has ONE more game than me and i got mine in a year...
and what are the chances that people watching it are even on a couch? Most people don't use a couch at a computer:P
I was about to say that most ppl sit on chairs. Damn you !
[QUOTE="inFamousLemon"]With me it is not what games he has, it is his overall attitude and the way he acts, calling people idiots, telling people to get off the couch, when he is indeed the idiot and he is the one who needs to get off the couch. I know that may sound harsh but it is the truth. Yeah, that's how I feel about it. And the whole thing about calling his friend who liked skating games but can't afford Skate 2 an idiot kinda pissed me off. The kid is completely self-centered and can't for a second grasp the concept that other people aren't as spoiled as him.That was funny :D. But i don't really see why are you guys goin ape sh*t about what games he has... I got San Andreas when i was 8 8). Oh also he has ONE more game than me and i got mine in a year...
With me it is not what games he has, it is his overall attitude and the way he acts, calling people idiots, telling people to get off the couch, when he is indeed the idiot and he is the one who needs to get off the couch. I know that may sound harsh but it is the truth. Yeah, that's how I feel about it. And the whole thing about calling his friend who liked skating games but can't afford Skate 2 an idiot kinda pissed me off. The kid is completely self-centered and can't for a second grasp the concept that other people aren't as spoiled as him.[QUOTE="GrandJury"][QUOTE="inFamousLemon"]
That was funny :D. But i don't really see why are you guys goin ape sh*t about what games he has... I got San Andreas when i was 8 8). Oh also he has ONE more game than me and i got mine in a year...
Same here. He was just annoying. Off topic what a shocker he didnt like MAG and thought COD was the greatest thing ever:roll: Kids like him are one of many reasons i play MAG and cant stand to play COD
Why censor your kids? Your taking the amendments people have fought for. I personally don't care about the ESRB my nephew knows the difference between reality and fantasy. He also needs to lose weight. ( the kid not my nephew )[QUOTE="Fightingfan"]
His parents don't care. The ESRB is useless as long as parents don't responsibility for their kids.
what a stupid comment you make
its parents like that who will buy these games for their kids and later realise what they are playing and make a load of complaints to everybody about the gaming companys and therefore give a bad name to gaming.
Then we should burn books and break televisions they do the exact same thing.[QUOTE="shads20"][QUOTE="Fightingfan"] Why censor your kids? Your taking the amendments people have fought for. I personally don't care about the ESRB my nephew knows the difference between reality and fantasy. He also needs to lose weight. ( the kid not my nephew )
what a stupid comment you make
its parents like that who will buy these games for their kids and later realise what they are playing and make a load of complaints to everybody about the gaming companys and therefore give a bad name to gaming.
Then we should burn books and break televisions they do the exact same thing. Book burning meeting at my house tomorrow at 5! :D Really though, I don't see a problem with a parent not wanting their children to play certain mature games. It doesn't have to be that extreme.[QUOTE="Fightingfan"][QUOTE="shads20"]Then we should burn books and break televisions they do the exact same thing. Book burning meeting at my house tomorrow at 5! :D Really though, I don't see a problem with a parent not wanting their children to play certain mature games. It doesn't have to be that extreme.what a stupid comment you make
its parents like that who will buy these games for their kids and later realise what they are playing and make a load of complaints to everybody about the gaming companys and therefore give a bad name to gaming.
Well I understand want to "limit" the explicit content your child views. But if you have a kid whose 13 years old and doesn't know what boobies are... man we have a problem.
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lol, maybe he was scared people were gonna flame him for being such an idiot himself.zspec562
good point...
Why censor your kids? Your taking the amendments people have fought for. I personally don't care about the ESRB my nephew knows the difference between reality and fantasy. He also needs to lose weight. ( the kid not my nephew )[QUOTE="hxczuner"]
His parents don't care. The ESRB is useless as long as parents don't responsibility for their kids.
I'm sure you wouldn't let your kids (or nephew for that matter) say the F word at the dinner table.
Freedom is great, but responsible behavior with the freedom you have is even better. As long as you get violent games with sex and suggestive themes for your kids, you're basically promoting the behavior in them. Whether or not you trust your kids is the real issue obviously. But, if you work all the time and your only quality time with your kids is the trip to the game store, can you really say you know them at all? I have been a gamer from the time I was eight years old (NES days). I'm lucky my mother was (lol STILL IS!) such a nosey person, who was concerned about what I was up to. I don't think I could have survived without some guidance.
Let your kids do what you think they are mature enough for. But, for their sake, please do limit some of the stuff they get up to. I had friends who's parents couldn't care less about what they were up to. Let me tell you, they are go nowhere, bottom feeders now. I think they're still doing drugs, and we're almost in our thirties now. Not letting my eight year old play GTA4 isn't censorship, it's good parenting in my book. It shows I love him and don't want him subjected to material that, honestly I'm not sure he's ready for yet. If you have kids you know about the constant training you have to endure. "What's that mommy, What's that mean daddy?" You also know when it's time to share all the secrets of the universe with them so to speak lol.
Censorship with your kids is your job honestly... Without it, you may as well just let your kids believe whatever they want and let them walk all over reason and morality. I can tell you from experience the ones that do what they want (all the time), end up where they don't intend. Usually it's nowhere fast, without a clue.
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