ok heres the deal. i got my PS3 mayb three or four days ago. i get online and start playin matches, and receive party invites an everything works great. well the next day or so, i cant even get into party invites now. everytime a friend sends one it shows it tryin to load up and then the screen goes black and it says unable to connect to host...i duno wtf is up. but its aggravating. help please. lol
ok heres the deal. i got my PS3 mayb three or four days ago. i get online and start playin matches, and receive party invites an everything works great. well the next day or so, i cant even get into party invites now. everytime a friend sends one it shows it tryin to load up and then the screen goes black and it says unable to connect to host...i duno wtf is up. but its aggravating. help please. lolpit2pit
that happens to me too, but i think thats because the party is full
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