Well I know I have been asking a lot of questions about it(if anyone noticed) I just want to make a smart investment.
I looked at costco's deals and here are what I have to choose from.
Yeah I was shocked that they were still selling the 40 gigs but anyway they also have a little bigplanet bundle that is basicly like the R2 bundle. Anyway the 40 gigs is about 389.99 after doing some math plus tax(3.5%) it came to about 403.65 which is good because I can buy MGS 4 which I hear is pretty good, or 417.29 if (7.0% sales) which will still let me get MGS 4, sounds good right?
Well for about 100 dollers more I am getting a lot with the resistance bundle along with a 80 gig HDD I can't choose I don't need all those gigs really and I see the game installs are becoming more and more rare.
Anyway what do you guys think and also do any of you know about the warenty, I have heard to many things about drives failing, YLOD. I don't wanna take chance and my ps3 be one of those who want to die, its better to be safe than sorry. Thanks for all the help.
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