Whenever I try downloading something off PSN, this error code keeps popping up 80710101, saying there was a problem while downloading, it was working yestrday, any stuggestion. Please and thank you
it happens sometimes, what i do usually that works for me, is i reset my internet, wait a few and then try and it works. it doesn't really happen me to me that much, maybe once every other month with crappy weather that is. or sometimes it could be from Sony themselves, maybe some sort of maintenance
[QUOTE="-Rinder-"]PSN is having some problems atm.. Just wait a couple days.Brawler-Dude
couple of days, gah, is that happening to you also im not having any trouble though, i asked a few ppl on my list, and they fine too. but that doesnt mean its not psn. but try rebooting u modem and see if that works
it happens sometimes, what i do usually that works for me, is i reset my internet, wait a few and then try and it works. it doesn't really happen me to me that much, maybe once every other month with crappy weather that is. or sometimes it could be from Sony themselves, maybe some sort of maintenance JoKeR_421
Well we had some crappy wheater yestrday, but it was fine today. I'll try what you said though, thanks
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