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First of all - Idiotic Post in a PS3 forum. 2nd Of all, let the fanboys whinge if they want to whinge. All consoles have their Fanboys and always will, you seem to be ignorant to this fact...
I love my PS, think it's the king of all consoles, but that is my opinion who cares what anyone else thinks.
Why is it that they have no respect for any other system other than the PS3, which is by far the worst next gen system as sales have shown. What is the problem by praising other games? Is it because they can't afford or don't have the other systems? Maybe they are just too ignorant to accept defeat? When I see posts with kids like oh yeah 08 is the year because the competition has nothing, wtf? Are they seriously that stupid. Now i'm probably going to become very unpopular around here, but atleast i'm not a blind and ignorant fanboy. I praise HALO, Mario, Zelda, MGS, and FF. Why can't they just accept that this time around Sony messed up and clearly weren't ready? They always come out with these stupid arguements like 360 sells so well because most people need multiples due to RROD. 30% of PS2s got DRE which required you to buy atleast another one or in some cases 2 more. Then theres the arguement that states devs don't care about ps3. Maybe if it had a better GPU and more RAM it wouldn't be as hard to develop for and also the cell processor, which does wonders. They need to grow up and be happy they have MGS and FF.MJ0LNIR_SPARTANStupid Arguments? Dude, How many times do I have too call you a NOOB!!! first of all, Microsoft started the argument by letting everyone know that the Xbox 360 sales total was also comprised of the broken systems as well, Therefore, Like I told you, Grow up, Your trying to make a stupid point here, and yet you complain about the PS2, but it also took the PS2about 7 years too get 30% break down, but yet it took the Xbox 360 how long? and trust me, its well over 30% for Xbox 360's by now, so please Leave.
what exactly does the 360 have in its future?
a) fps that are watered down halo3 copies at best
b) incredible action/adventure games that are actually multiplatform (ex. DMC4) thereby negating its impact
c) games that will not later be ported to the pc, whichh has better graphics and controls
d) all of the above
(I'll give u a hint since you're so stupid that u would create this topic in the first place, its d)
if PS3 is the worst console , then why the hell do you even own one? you sound like a Wii60 Fanboy to me , I Hate Wii60 Fanboys , they are by far the worst fanboys ever.Tokyo90
I can't agree with you any more about Wii60 fanboys. They are the worst in history,an abomination of gamers who don't play games, but they beg for the games to be released on their consoles so they can type "TCHBO" in big letters. They are Anti-Sony to the point where you wonder if they ever played video games before the 360 launch.
By the way this thread is aweakflamebait/troll attempt.
Why is it that they have no respect for any other system other than the PS3, which is by far the worst next gen system as sales have shown. What is the problem by praising other games? Is it because they can't afford or don't have the other systems? Maybe they are just too ignorant to accept defeat? When I see posts with kids like oh yeah 08 is the year because the competition has nothing, wtf? Are they seriously that stupid. Now i'm probably going to become very unpopular around here, but atleast i'm not a blind and ignorant fanboy. I praise HALO, Mario, Zelda, MGS, and FF. Why can't they just accept that this time around Sony messed up and clearly weren't ready? They always come out with these stupid arguements like 360 sells so well because most people need multiples due to RROD. 30% of PS2s got DRE which required you to buy atleast another one or in some cases 2 more. Then theres the arguement that states devs don't care about ps3. Maybe if it had a better GPU and more RAM it wouldn't be as hard to develop for and also the cell processor, which does wonders. They need to grow up and be happy they have MGS and FF.MJ0LNIR_SPARTAN
Ask your self this. Why is it that 360 fans have no respect for other systems? Oh and the ps3 has a lot of great games coming out soon. And no the war isn't over. The ps3 is still selling well. In fact it's going to start selling a lot more soon. So go away fanboy.
Why is it that they have no respect for any other system other than the PS3, which is by far the worst next gen system as sales have shown. What is the problem by praising other games? Is it because they can't afford or don't have the other systems? Maybe they are just too ignorant to accept defeat? When I see posts with kids like oh yeah 08 is the year because the competition has nothing, wtf? Are they seriously that stupid. Now i'm probably going to become very unpopular around here, but atleast i'm not a blind and ignorant fanboy. I praise HALO, Mario, Zelda, MGS, and FF. Why can't they just accept that this time around Sony messed up and clearly weren't ready? They always come out with these stupid arguements like 360 sells so well because most people need multiples due to RROD. 30% of PS2s got DRE which required you to buy atleast another one or in some cases 2 more. Then theres the arguement that states devs don't care about ps3. Maybe if it had a better GPU and more RAM it wouldn't be as hard to develop for and also the cell processor, which does wonders. They need to grow up and be happy they have MGS and FF.MJ0LNIR_SPARTAN
I own a PS3 but agree completely.
Blind as F*&^
PC>X360>Wii>PS2>XBOX>GameCube>N64>PSX>Saturn>NEO GEOSuper Nitendo>Sega Mega>Famicom>ATARI>Fairchild>Magnavox Odyssey>ENIAC>ZUSE Z3>ABACUS>LEBOMBO BONE>ISHANGO BONE>TALLY STICKS>PS3
The 360 fanboys are getting scared already,ps3 produces better graphics then 360, and 360 has 2 years, while ps3 has 1, 360 won't last another year. 360 is outdated. I remember those cheap graphics 360 had when it came out.. for that whole year till gears...RaijinkoTo both yourself and Tulstani, What games look better on PS3 than 360?
I m unaware of any such titles, yet. I own both and can honestly say that so far the NBA games look and play smoother on 360. This is fact not opinion. Also, nearly everyother dual release game seems to be reviewed as being stronger on the 360 atm. How DOES THIS MAKE IT OUTDATED?
Seriously guys....
Also you mentioned that the launch games had "cheap graphics" as you put it.. PGR3 was a launch game back in Mar 06, and even now I think it runs smooth as butter and looks amazing, everything from the smooth camera action to the frame rate and the detail of the cars and environment, check it out!
PC>X360>Wii>PS2>XBOX>GameCube>N64>PSX>Saturn>NEO GEO>Super Nitendo>Sega Mega>Famicom>ATARI>Fairchild>Magnavox Odyssey>ENIAC>ZUSE Z3>ABACUS>LEBOMBO BONE>ISHANGO BONE>TALLY STICKS>PS3
whats a Tally Stick?
ps3 and 360 sales are nearly identical from the times on the market, in their first 3 months, ps3 outsold 360
If i remember correctly 360 started off really slow, so did ps3 who cares
i have only a 360, and im getting my ps3 on monday... ill get a Wii eventually... and i've noticed that the most annoying fanboys are 360 fanboys...i never get tired of hearing "OMG PS3's are so expensive!" yea..... ignorance is bliss......
ps,....are u kidding me? seriously.. what fanboy from any console praises other consoles? did u miss the definition of a fanboy?...........fanboys in general are annoying... u urself sound like a fanboy... and honestly.... in the end WHO CARES? get on with ur life... why the heck do u let something someone says on a FORUM effect u? funny thing... u know what happens when i read someone say stupid crap... I CLOSE THE TOPIC..crazy huh?
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