what would you like to see in the next major firmware update for the PS3? i personally would like to see the xmb get a makeover. especially the friends list. you?
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what would you like to see in the next major firmware update for the PS3? i personally would like to see the xmb get a makeover. especially the friends list. you?
I would like the friends list to have sorting options like groups. Often i add people who play certain games online. I would like to be able to have groups such as "Friends" "MAG players" BFBC2 players" etc. It would make things much easier.
im quite happy with hte ps3 at the moment other than in game music that we know is never gonna happen for ecery game there isnt anything that really bothers me that id like changed. i would like to get more control over the xmb such as better folder organising like being able to store psn games in folers with sub folders etc and same for friends. i would also like them to get rid of the ps store icon from the game section as the store is not a game and doesnt belong there its a playstation network feature.ability to reorganise icons in the xmb would be cool little more control over the xmb like we do with a pc
For my dream firmware update here is what I'd expect;
yeah! a update that gives us back the old playstation 3 game start logo and sound , i miss that too , after 2.80 ist started to look worsethe ability to choose the actual original black theme that came with my ps3. seriously i miss that thing so much, every time i turn on my ps3 it hurts a little.
change your stupid PSN username for 1
be able to multitask, listen to your tunes and surf the web or play a game at the same time
let us surf the web while in a game, Pause, XMB, surf the web for guides or cheats whatever. having to close the game is retardo
allow the use of keyboard mouse for all games, especially FPS, personally I will never buy a ps3 shooter type gamefor this reason, my PC owns for shooters
basically make it more of a personal computer rather than just a console gaming flopper
[QUOTE="z4twenny"]yeah! a update that gives us back the old playstation 3 game start logo and sound , i miss that too , after 2.80 ist started to look worsethe ability to choose the actual original black theme that came with my ps3. seriously i miss that thing so much, every time i turn on my ps3 it hurts a little.
Same thing, along with PS2 compatability as well.
Those are really good ones. I was going to say something similar to your post...For my dream firmware update here is what I'd expect;
- In-game music as a operating system feature, meaning every game will support it.
- Being able to access the XMB while surfing the Playstation Store
- being able to listen to music while surfing the Playstation Store
- Password protection for user accounts
- Better theme settings (e.g being able to change the colour of the font in the XMB)
yea whats up with that? we can choose every color BUT the original black background! all i want is the ability to upload our own avatars, thats it!the ability to choose the actual original black theme that came with my ps3. seriously i miss that thing so much, every time i turn on my ps3 it hurts a little.
The ability to use the Web Browser whilst in-game.-Hoax-
That would be SICK but I dont think its ever going to happen.
Use one of the Blu-Tooth spaces able to support a suround sound system wirelessly (Sony Sync) and develope a headset/headphone that also uses this technology (with rechargeable batteries).jimm895I'm actually surprised that Sony haven't already tried to implement this, with how much of a boner they have for technology, and using the MIcrosoft strategy (use dominance in one market to supplement another).
I would appreciate being able to change my PSN username, that's for sure. I'm pretty sure that whoever actually had my originally desired username probably doesn't even play. :| As for multitasking? I doubt it. the chips in this generation of consoles are great for in-order-execution stuff (which works fine for most games) but are piss poor at the kind of multitasking we're used to experiencing on a modern computer.change your stupid PSN username for 1
be able to multitask, listen to your tunes and surf the web or play a game at the same time
And how often does anyone actually use that zoom feature? Or for that matter, DVD's also support multiple angles, but when's the last time a DVD you bought actually supported it?I'd like the Blu ray player to have 2X and 4X zoom capability. You know, like every DVD player ever made had? But my $400 PS3 doesn't have it.
I'd love the ability to change my PSN ID, I know you can do it if you have a Japanese account so I'm not sure why you can't do that in any other region.Geespotuser
- Ability to Change your PSN ID without making new one
- Ability to turn off in-game xmb
- Removing Time & Date for Game Saves
*The ability to see people's fears
*A drinks holder
*An end to world hunger
*More christmas presents
*A pet monkey butler
*Cross game chat
*Cheaper films
*A truck
*The ability to see people's fears
*A drinks holder
*An end to world hunger
*More christmas presents
*A pet monkey butler
*Cross game chat
*Cheaper films
*A truck
:lol: every reply you make makes me laugh..are you a comedian in real life or something?
*The ability to see people's fears
*A drinks holder
*An end to world hunger
*More christmas presents
*A pet monkey butler
*Cross game chat
*Cheaper films
*A truck
:lol: every reply you make makes me laugh..are you a comedian in real life or something?
Nope, I just get kicked in the head alot.[QUOTE="MushroomWig"] I know you can do it if you have a Japanese account so I'm not sure why you can't do that in any other region.ryrulezReally? I never knew that. I doubt I'd change mine as I wouldn't be able to think of a replacement. Yeah. :[ I found out a few months ago..it takes literally 2 seconds to change your name so I really don't know why it's not a feature of the other regions. D:
What is the big deal about changing your PSN ID? Why don't you choose a name you like in the first place?StarlessAeonSome people choose something and grow out of it like an immature name or something. I think Sony should do it and charge $10 for it.
[QUOTE="Geespotuser"]I'd love the ability to change my PSN ID, I know you can do it if you have a Japanese account so I'm not sure why you can't do that in any other region.
- Ability to Change your PSN ID without making new one
- Ability to turn off in-game xmb
- Removing Time & Date for Game Saves
You can't change your PSN ID as a Japanese account.
This doesn't really have much to do with a firmware update, but I think it would be really cool if they would offer "season passes" or something like that for TV shows. Say it's $30-$40 and you can download the episodes whenever they're put up. Of course season passes for the shows in HD would cost a bit more, but it's the same thing they do with individual shows. I'm pretty sure iTunes has something like this, but I don't buy TV shows on either my PS3 or PC so I'm not sure. It would just make buying episodes or seasons of a TV show a lot easier and you wouldn't have to feel bad about buying each episode individually.
I'd love the ability to change my PSN ID, I know you can do it if you have a Japanese account so I'm not sure why you can't do that in any other region.[QUOTE="MushroomWig"][QUOTE="Geespotuser"]
- Ability to Change your PSN ID without making new one
- Ability to turn off in-game xmb
- Removing Time & Date for Game Saves
You can't change your PSN ID as a Japanese account.
Yes you can, I just tried it again.Reenable Installing Linux
Make sharing on PSN where nobody can steal info. Kind of like you give minimal access to account through a remote session. Since sharing is legit of up to 5 shares this should not be an issue.
Not have to close game to open browser or play music.
making joining someones game about 2 steps lighter
auto-sync of trophies and mic.
Ability to add completely different themes. Like how you can do on the PSP which some certain tweaks.
A browser that that can handle sites better with memory, load faster, and be able to create a favorites list for quicker viewing.
For my dream firmware update here is what I'd expect;
- In-game music as a operating system feature, meaning every game will support it.
- Being able to access the XMB while surfing the Playstation Store
- being able to listen to music while surfing the Playstation Store
- Password protection for user accounts
- Better theme settings (e.g being able to change the colour of the font in the XMB)
i like these ideas
There should be an asterisk by that slogan to then say "not very well." the ps3's browser is still lacking many crucial bits of functionality support, meaning stuff like using meebo or ebuddy for instant messaging (like when my main PC was down for a bit), not work. For all the media capabilities that Sony touts with the system, I have to call BS on the whole "region free" claims that many of the users here have claimed, because the ps3 is NOT the LEAST bit region free. Case in point: I've some Jeremy Clarkson DVD's that came from UK, so they initially started as PAL. Even when I was able to successfully re-encode them for NTSC, the ps3 refuses to play ANY of these discs, while the "other console" didn't care and played them anyway. Sony also officially screwed the pooch IMO when it comes to the design of the triggers on their factory controllers. Any one heavy gaming session and they are more slippery than a mud covered trout. Yes, I know there's those RealTriggers out there, and I do have them on my controllers now. But I still stand by my point that it shouldn't have to be this way. So, God Damn you, Sony, for making me have to pay extra money to fix your stupid controllers! :mad: And speaking of games, how about the fact that since launch, Sony has basically neutered out BC, and the ability to run Linux on the console proper? There are so many holes in that "it only does everything" slogan, it's insulting. Back on Topic... I would like to see an official companion download for Windows/Mac/Linux for being able to make your own ps3 themes proper.come on guys we don't need anything new for the ps3..because..
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