When it first launched, the game library was weak - just like any other platform. It takes time for consoles to pick up notable titles; this applies for any system. It's been less then a year since it first came out, and the library is just exploding with games - and not just crappy movie games or multipatform games either.
Just recently Warhawk and Lair came out, unexpectedly enough. Soon enough Heavenly Sword, Stranglehold, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Dark Sector, Grand Theft Auto4, Devil May Cry 4, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Resident Evil 5, Silent Hill 5, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction will come out in the near future. I've never seen so much exclusive first party titles for any of Sony's platforms come out all so soon, not that all of the above titles are but mostly.
It really makes me proud to be a owner of a true next-gen system. I'm not being a one-sided fanboy, but honestly the Microsoft's lack of support for their growing numbers of failing 360's isn't helping their reputation. All the 360 had on the PS3 was a better library and better online, which seems to be changing all too soon if you ask me - with the upcoming titles and Home, what will the 360 have on the PS3?
Also, the Wii is a good console, but there hasn't been a descent title since launch, and only a few titles in the future seem promising. I'm a fan of Nintendo, but they have to do better than build on their old franchises and really move on from simualted sports games.
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