Based on the demo I saw, it's really amazingly accurate. Now, to be sure, that's not always a great thing. Say you're playing a FPS, the aiming might vibrate when you want it stuck on only one point. Plus you'd have to hold the thing up the whole time and I sometimes play shooters for hours, for example.
Not to mention in the demo the guy couldnt even manage to hit the tennis ball even once.
And my last issue is the graphcs. I know it was a demo, but unless the graphics are the exact same as when using the normal controller, I'm not buying it. Imagine playing a shooter with childish 3D graphics like the demo - no thanks. And I'm not a graphics-centric guy either. If you can play, let's say, Call of Duty 4 using the thing, and the only difference is the controls (guns look just as realistic as normal but you feel like you're really aiming), then I'm sold.
Not to mention the idea of using it as a sword and the DS3 as a shield. Pretty good idea. It looks like a pretty good idea, considering Sony can pull it off well. Not much of a fan of the casual games the Wii offers at the moment. Hopefully it'll be implemented well into the heavier games and such. Same goes for Natal, even though I never use a 360, but it's a good direction for games to go for the future.
Speaking of Natal, while the technology behind it must be ingenious, it might just be a bit TOO ambitious and kind of fail. Can't really go running around just to play Halo using Natal or something. Maybe it would come with a rotating treadmill though. And a Natal gun for shooting. Yeah, create this whole room dedicated for the one game.
Being sarcastic, obviously, though say we head that direction someday. And instead of playing using the TV you'd actually be playing the actual game using your own body, all the while seeing the game as if you're actually in it (360 view). Now THAT would be interesting to see.
All the same, I'm sure I'd never want only the option of a motion controller. While it may be fun to live the action once in a while, sometimes it's just more comfy to sit back and use a controller to blast your way through a video game.
Anyway what do you guys think of the controller?
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