my ps3 has been signing me in and then 10 seconds later signing me out saying there was a network problem. i'm using a wireless connection and it works fine sometimes. other times wont sign in at all. any help?
i've had the same problem since the update....when I can't sign into psn and I turn off the ps3 i get those two peeps before it finally turns off...i have no clue what's going on but apparently sony knows about it and is working on a fix...hopefully soon....
Try to turn of your wireless modem for 5 seconds and turn it back on and go to network connections and redo your network configurations for your PS3. It really worked and never had to be disconnected again.
It's actually already out now and it fixed my problem. I'd get disconnected occasionally on R:FoM, but it seems to be fine now, I now get a 95% wireless connection.
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