Hey guys, I have a 360, but had a ps2 before the 360 and loved it. I like the 360 so far, but i dont like Gears of War and I dont like Halo. And those are two big games coming out for the 360, but I dont care about them. GTA and other games that im looking forward to are coming out for both consoles..and just the other day the 360 messed up my MLB 2K7.. which really pissed me off. Anyway, are there any ps3 owners here that switched from 360? if so..i have a couple questions
Was it worth getting the ps3 over 360?
How much did you sell your xbox plus the games for?
Where did you sell it?
Is XBL really THAT MUCH better then ps3 online or is there really no difference?Â
And if there are any ps3/360 owners here..do you think switching to PS3 is a smart move or should I just keep the 360
thanks in advance
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