I honestly feel like crying. Today is the reason why i bought my PS3 in the first place. I have always been a playstation fan, so I decided to go for PS3 over the other consoles. Today sees the release of PES2008. Oh dear.
First of all I know im gonna get absolutely slated here for daring to speak the truth, but here goes.
I read in a couple of reviews that PES has frame rate issues but thought that they cant be too bad as IGN has given it a 9.2, boy was i wrong. Its not too bad during open play, but if you want to enjoy a replay of that amazing goal you just scored...tough, you can't. Replays are terrible. The slow down is unbelievable and it takes any pride away from the goal you have just scored to see it destroyed in this way.
Online - doesn't work. Tried to play online this morning and it was a complete waste of time. All the players just stand around for literally 2 mins, then they go 1000mph round the screen, and its a goal! What a joke! Meanwhile some of my other friends are having a great time playing each other on the console that shall not be named.
Now im normally the one defending PS3, but im running out of excuses. And before you ask yes i have installed the game and turned off all those features in the XMB to try and improve the frame rate. Now i know what a lot of you guys are gonna say; lazy developers take time to learn the cell and get the best out of it. Well wake up!!!! Its been a year now, im not sure how long I can put up with mediocrity. I thought they would have had it sorted by now.
A disappointed PS3 owner
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