[QUOTE="ydnarrewop"]From what I've discovered this is something that happens with other games as well. It's nothing to worry about. Yes it's annoying, but your ps3 isn't dying or anything. You could try to delete the game data, but make sure you keep your save file and reinstall the game. Also, this seems to do the trick too: 1 - Go to initial screen 2 - Log out PSN 3 - Exit GAME 4 - No more reset Let us know what happens :)Marmotas
Well, the delete data didnt help :(
And about the log in/out, im always loged out (i normally dont have the internet cable conected to the PS3) so i dont think thats a problem. I did have had problems being loged in and turning off the PS3, so thats why i stoped doing that a long time ago.
Mmm, i tried a couple more times with Darksiders and kept getting the same reset thingie with it. I tried other games, like Dark Souls, Deus Ex HR, and they work fine, i can quit the game normally (main menu, then XMB)
I looked around a bit and it seems it was a pretty common problem with Darksiders at the time, and looks like a patch to fix this issue never came out.
Probably a problem with the auto-save feature of the game that was glitched. (thats why i tried Dark Souls, since its auto-save only, but after i quit to the main menu i can leave without problems)
It seems its ok to go to the menu of the game and then just turn off the PS3 (PS Home hard press and turn off) instead of going to the XMB and then doing the same.
Well good :) At least you know it's not your PS3!
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