One guy got to half way hack it via Linux using Other OS feature. We know what happened at April 1st. And even though he claimed he will carry on, he failed and gave up at last. Luckily. If PS3 gets hacked to the stage it will be loading ISO games from HDD, it will be really bad. I really hope it doesnt happen, not in next 5 years or so. Just look what it did to PSP. There arent many really awesome games on it (LBP, GT, MGS Peace Walker, Modnation...) and even those dont sell well as far as I know. And thats a shame.
And in my opinion, I dont believe PS3 will getr hacked to play ISOs, at least not in next few years. There are too many obstacles. BluRay discs cost quite a lot so far, games are rather big in size, whole PS3s OS and the way firmware works makes it almost impossible. Plus we have online updates. And who wants to give up online gaming and the ability to contact friends on PS3? Or risking to get banned? Sony can always bring new security algorithms via firmware updates.
Sony sure doesnt want PS3 to end up like PSP.
On a side note, it would probably boost console sales temporarily :) but in a long run it will only bring trouble.
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