i have a 360 premium i just bought a week ago and it gets very hot.and im scrared its gonna brake or catch fire.
so im thinking of getting a elite or a ps3, my hdtv does 1080i.but some ps3 games only do 720 p or what ever it is.
will my tv play those games or will it knock the video down to 480 p? also the new update that upgrades the dvd movies and ps2 games will that update help me out at all? one more thing how does the online work do i have to use a diffrent gamertag with every game i buy or rent?
any other info about the ps3 would be nice too
thanks for the info
Hmm, well frst of all, given the history, there is a decent chance your 360 wil break either from the faulty hardware/red ring of death or from the fact the 360 fan is not very efficient, though i have found the ps3 fan to run quietly and do fine, provided the fan is not obstructed by a wall or floor, etc.. Yes, if you have it hooked up to component or hdmi cables, your ps3 itself can output to the highest resolution supported by your tv, i.e 1080i but games will be downscaled to the highest resolution supported by the game itself for example resistence will be downscaled to 720p because that's its max output. Games however, will evolve to support higher resolutions, as a few of the games in the next few months can support up to 1080 p. Yes the new upscaling update is great because effectively it makes your dvd player useless by upscaling your normal dvds, ps2 games and ps1 games to high definition. You will notice a great difference, especially since by the fact you want a blu ray player, you are probably looking to enjoy your movies in hd, this will allow you to enjoy regular dvds in hd as well. For online, it is very simple. all you have to do, is set up an internet connection either wireless network or ethernet lan and just sign up for the playstation network. Once you have an playstation network account, that's it. You can use it for any game, to download things from the store etc. Overall the ps3 has endless features in terms of hardware and software and is really a great buy for you, especially since you have an hdtv.
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