if people HONESTLY think it will come out within the next 4-5 years, then they are stupid. People who really think that ANY next-next gen console will be out within the next 2 years... should just..... go to sleep for an extended period of time.
Seriously, we knew about the ps3 and Xbox 360 being made, YEARS before they actually came out, they hyped it up so badly. OFFICIAL announcements were made, a good 2-3 years before they were released. So if you think, that they will just drop a console on us next year without knowing.. then your stupid.
And this gen, isnt even HALF way through its life cycle. MAYEB, and thats a big maybe, it might be a third of the way through.
Stop with these ps4 and 720 and crap threads, just enjoy the games you have now.
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