Grace Chen here, senior Manager for the PLAYSTATION Store. It's been a big week for the PLAYSTATION Store, with the launch of Warhawk on Tuesday and tons of great new content today. We know you guys want playable games and demos, and we want to get them to you. So with that said, here's a quick breakdown of what we have in the PLAYSTATION Store today:
- Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix for $9.99
- Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection online add-on for $9.99 or the bundle (game + add-on) for $29.99
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 demo
- All-Pro Football 2K8 demo
- NASCAR '08 demo
- Heavenly Sword "Episode Four: The Sound of Combat" making-of video
- Heavenly Sword "Episode Four: The Devine Birth" Anime video
- Folklore "Surviving the Netherworld" trailer
- Clive Barker's JerichoTM trailer
- Movie trailers for Beowulf and Bee Movie
I'll do my best to blog about additional PLAYSTATION Store updates as often as I can.
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