Getting a vita soon, so I was wondering if anyone can give me advice on which account i should use to buy my psone classics, US/UK? I understand that vita only allows one psn account at a time and i will be using my UK psn for all vita/psp games. however, I have a spare 4gb memory card and was wondering if i should use that for US psone games. The reason I am considering this is for two reasons: 1. I have a *** PS3, so PAL psone games dont work. 2. NTSc games run at 60hz, whilst PAL games run at 50hz. PAL games however runs at a higher resolution, but i don't know if any psone games actually ran at a higher resolution. so my main question is are NTSC(us) better or PAL better, and do you think it is worth the time juggling through memory cards?
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